Good for Anything

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i woke up in a familiar place.Cream walls and white sheets.A tv to the right of me.I saw Doctor Taylor fixing the IV needle which was in my arm.The little bag had clear liquid in it.

"Doctor Taylor?"i asked caustiously.His back was turned and i tapped him on his back.He turned around."YOUR NOT DOCTOR TAYLOR"It was a face staring at me.The demon that haunted me.The demon that constantly tortured me.My mother."YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED" Her demonic voice rang.She had a knife in her hand.She raised it and plunged it into my chest.i started screaming

I heard the heart moniter going insane BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP as my heart raced.My dad started calling the doctors.I looked around.Where did my mother go?Where did the Knife go?.Doctor Taylor ran in as i gathered my thoughts.I had another mood swing and a nightmare.I examined my body.I wasnt covered in blood anymore but my wrist and legs were bandaged.

"harmony are you alright"doctor taylor asked.i nodded my head.

"i had another mood swing and nightmare"

Doctor taylor looked puzzled."did you happen to knock over a mirror and  having it fall on you?"he asked.My eyes widened."NO IT WASNT ME IT WAS..I-T WAS T--T--TT-HE DEMON.MY MOTHER"Doctor taylor sighed."Your mother is not the demon.I think your starting to imagine things that arent there".I think what you may have is a severe case of Schizophrenia"

"NO" I screamed.i know what schizophrenia is and its NOT what i have.I dont even know how this happened to me."NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO"I shrieked.Docter taylor rushed to my side to calm me down.

"Look" doctor taylor began."it could be a severe case.But it also may not.We dont know but its just a suggestion""Have you been journaling" he asked

"yes but i was in the middle of journaling when i had a flashback"

"okay.You'll be spending the night in the hospital""we have to get you stable enough to be realeased."

i nodded.I saw it coming anyway.I layed back and stared at the ceiling as doctor Taylor turned off the lights I processed my thoughts and thought about the day ahead and the normal routine everytime I enter the hosital.They hook me up to the machine and see what i think about during a flshback.What there about.What happens.I hate that cause they can see in my mind.I have flashbacks of good times and bad times.But mostly ones back to that night.Im slowly piecing together what might have happened.I have moments where i dont want ANYONE to see like when me and asher get together and have"fun"I slowly fell alseep while staring at the ceiling

"STOP STOP"GET OFF OF ME i cried as my mother WATCHED my get raped by her boyfriend GET OFF"


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