death five

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I roll over groaning, reaching for the snooze button on my alarm clock. It's too damn early to function. I sit up stretching and rub wearily at my eyelids, a tiny yawn escaping me.

My sheets are a tangled mess but I don't mind, burying myself under them.

What's it like to sleep with someone?

Naturally, Harry comes to mind. He provides warmth and laughter and all things synonymous with joy.

I'm precisely the opposite.

Somber settings, people clad in black and a spring of welling tears. Fears, aching and heartbreak.

Maybe that's why I'm attracted to him so much. He's clumsy and impatient but sweet and completely harmless.

People like him are rare. They deserve protection from the horrors of the world.

As of now, he isn't scared of me, I'm sure he'd nuzzle up right next to me, smile on his face. Or maybe I'd hold him because he would like that; the comfort and security of my strong, assured arms.

That is if he trusts me. He hasn't gained my trust yet. We hardly know each other.

Of course I want to know him
I want details. Maybe eventually I'll know everything there is to know. Every dip and curve and freckle. Every flaw. Every weakness. All his favorite things. I'll memorize the way he looks in the sunlight, wind blowing through his hair and the twinkle is his eyes when he's excited. The way his hand fits so perfectly in mine.

Would he be scared me if he knew the truth? I'm sure he wouldn't believe me.

Imagine that discovery.

Yeah I'm friends with, literally. I think he wants to kill me.

I snort, jolting as my phone buzzes on the nightstand beside me.


"Hi Zayn."

A smile spreads across my face as my head falls back against my pillow with a soft thud.

"I know it's early but I really want to take you out for breakfast...if that's okay," he scrambles to get in those last words, talking a mile a minute and I chuckle.

"Yeah, of course. No work today?"

"I have a meeting later but my new boss is super chill. He wants me to use up some vacation days."

"That's great," I smirk. "Hopefully you'll enjoy work more now, maybe get that promotion."

"I highly doubt that," he laughs and I can feel him smile through the line.

You deserve happiness.

My heart sinks in my chest. Not me. He doesn't deserve me. I can't make him happy. All I bring is hurt and heartache.

"You doubt yourself too much. I believe in you, if that counts for anything."

"Of course," he sighs. "That means-"

I'm hanging onto his words, breath hitching, heart fluttering. The silence feels like eternity, worse than being burned until I can't feel any pain. Until I've become numb.

I don't want to be numb. He's the only thing that's ever made me feel.

"The world to me," he finishes softly. "I'll text you where to meet me, okay?"

"Okay," I grin foolishly, fingers running through my hair. "Is this...a date?"

"Um no, not unless you want it to be. It doesn't matter what we call it. I uh... just want to get to know you better."

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