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"You feel safe," I snuggle closer and his fingers card through my hair.

"What's your worst fear?"

My eyes squeeze shut, heart clenching up in my chest.

"I don't know," I whisper softly. It's an honest answer but not a clear one. He's warmer than usual, hand soft as it caresses my cheek.

"Sometimes I'm scared of this."

My heart is quivering at his confession.

"Who hurt you Zayn?"

I don't miss the way his hand trembles or the hurt expression worn on his face.

"It's human nature to trust too easily, to fall too hard, too fast. Someone always ends up hurt. Life delievers pain and heartache and-"

My mind is filling in the blank and I swallow thickly. Death.


I'm getting hopelessly lost in his eyes, our legs tangled, trying to figure out how we ended up huddled beneath my bedsheets. I don't care if it's stupid, developing feelings for someone so quickly. Maybe I don't know much but what I do know about Zayn is enough.

"Please don't be scared of me."

"I would never."

We've been like this for several hours, sharing secrets and swapping kisses.

His favorite color is green so naturally he has a thing for my eyes. He can't remember the last time he laughed so much but I know just what to say. Thank goodness, his laughter is too beautiful to be locked up inside of him. If he had to eat the same thing for the rest of his life it would be freshly baked naan. He loves the smell of lotus, musk and amber. He's well aware cigarettes are bad for you but something about inhaling the toxins and letting the smoke fill his lungs is calming, it settles his nerves. He has tried to quit for a good two years now. He likes R&B and old soul music and singing along to the radio. You'll never catch him in sandals and he absolutely hates summer.

On that note, his favorite season is winter. The way he describes freshly fallen snow and slow buring cinnamon candles makes me appreciate it more. The crackle of a fireplace, the snap of logs and huddling beneath blankets, it's all a far away dream. He prefers January when he can wear a thick knit jumper and drink warm tea. He likes reclining in a chair and immersing himself in a book. His favorite cookie is snickerdoodle and he loves the feeling of fuzzy socks.

Zayn tells me more meaningful stuff too, like how he's afraid of losing people.

I assure him I'm not going anywhere.

"I'm a constant."

"A constant," he echoes, voice a mere murmur. "My constant star, always shedding brightness in the dark."

We're both leaning in at the same time, feeling the same spark. There's a fire igniting my bones. Every fiber of my being is aching for more. I've become so greedy, so hungry. My body is fueled by passion.

I see the flicker of desire in his honey colored eyes. He's pinning me to the bed, scattering kisses all over. My eyelashes brush against cheeks as I close my eyes, letting him control me. My body hums for him.

It's something I've never felt before with anyone.

"Zayn," I whisper. "Can I tell you something?"

He stops, hand on my rapidly rising and falling chest.

"Of course."

"Louis and I used to date...way back. If you felt any animosity from him it's-"

"Is he jealous, does he still have feelings for you?"

It wouldn't matter.

"Possibly but I want you. When you touch me I forget how to breathe."

"Sounds dangerous," he teases, thumb gently parting my lips.

His tongue is so wet and slick as it slips into my mouth I'm swallowing back a moan.

He knows just where to touch me, thumb stroking beneath my jaw as the kiss deepens.

Are we moving too fast? If so, why does it feel so damn right?

This is all so new to me, a quick rush to my head. All I feel is waves of pleasure, my mind going blank.

He freezes and his arms envelope me, hands lost in my messy curls. He presses an obscenely wet kiss to the nape of my neck and I shiver.

"Keep me warm Harry."

My heart is thudding louder, skipping around in my chest as his fingers graze over the love bites he left on the crook of my neck.

He kisses me there so softly my heart is weeping at his tenderness. Then he nibbles at my earlobe and I giggle as it tickles my sensitive skin.

"Your heart is so warm Zayn."

He pauses and reaches around me, clutching our hands together.

Tell me how we fit, how we're so comfortable like this. I feel content, slow heartbeat nearly lulling me to sleep.

"I'm scared you'll leave too," I mutter. "Abandonment is my worst fear.

His voice breaks as he says "I'll always be with you. I'm capable of love," he whispers.

"I won't hurt you Zayn. Love isn't something you should fear."

"But it is," he replies anguished.

"You can do anything. You can love anyone, feel anything. You have a heart."

His breath is warm, fanning across my neck.

"You're so beautiful Harry, inside and out."

My cheeks are flushing, heart picking up speed again. How does he do that?

"You know that, don't you? You deserve the world, so much more than a round of free drinks and a promotion. You deserve to be cherished. When is the last time someone did that?"

Not in so long.

"I can't remember."

"What about Louis? Did he love every flaw and leave a trail of kisses on your skin?"

It was sloppy makeout sessions and drunk sex. I wish I would have saved myself for-

"Nothing we had was meaningful. It was a friends with benefits type of thing."

"Did he make you feel good?"

"Yes but we weren't invested in each other. My heart wasn't in it."

He hums, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek.

"What does your body need?"

"More affection."

You sound so desperate.

"And your heart?"

Time stops. Everything stops, my heart dipping. My eyes close and his hand slips out of mine, moving to tuck a loose curl behind my ear.

"No one has ever asked me that," I whisper back truthfully.

"Let me take care of it."


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