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I want to do something special for Zayn. Of course I find myself in the kitchen making chocolate chip pancakes because it's quite possibly the best way you can start a day off.

When they're done I kiss him awake and he grins at me sheepishly.

"Morning my love. I made breakfast."

He stretches rather lazily and reaches for my hand. "Help me up or else I'll stay in this bed all day."

I chuckle and pull him up. He throws on a pair of sweats and slaps my bottom as he follows me into the kitchen.

"Zayn," I shriek, the reality of us setting in. "Last night..." my cheeks flush and he brushes some hair out of my face before leaving a lingering kiss on my forehead. "Thank you."

"I love you," he whispers. "There's no need to thank me."

"You've done so much though. Do you maybe want to go on a date tonight? Or are you busy?"

"No, that sounds nice babe."

"I'll plan something special."

His arms wrap around me, head resting on my shoulder, lips finding the crook of my neck.

"Thank you Harry."

"You haven't even eaten your pancakes, they could be complete shit but you're wel-"

"No," his body shakes with laughter, breath warm as it fans across my skin. "For everything. My heart could not be fuller."

"Well your stomach is empty," I transition wittily and he sighs as he pulls away.

"Thinking with your stomach instead of your heart."

He puts a dab of whipped cream on my nose, smile so pure my heart flutters. Zayn deserves happiness and if I bring him that then I'm definitely winning at life.

"You better clean it off," I smirk.

His tongue tickles, wet on my skin and I giggle like a kid in a candy store. Everything Zayn does is sweet, it seems perfectly fitting.

"S'that what you had in mind?"

My cheeks feel heat and he leans across the table to kiss me.

"You have to go to work soon, don't you?"

"Unfortunately," I groan. "I don't know why I'm complaining. It's really selfish."

"Are you kidding me? You're the most selfless person I've ever met. Believe me I-," he stops to lick his lips, eyes searching mine deeply. "Don't be so hard on yourself. No one is completely content with their life."

"I should do more to help those who aren't as fortunate," I frown. "It just doesn't feel right when I act a brat."

His brows knit together, dark and untidy but so perfect.

"You've touched a lot of people in ways you don't even realize. Sometimes even a simple smile can make a difference in someone's life and you've certainly changed mine...if that counts for anything."

A single tear streaks down my cheek and my knuckles wipe it away.

"Babe don't cry, it's alright."

"You mean so much to me. I always wanted this, to be able to-" my voice quivers.

"Touch someone?"

I nod, eyes stinging as more tears well.

"I was afraid of falling in love...of actually touching someone with my fingers...of ever feeling anything at all," he shakes his head, partial smile on his face. "You touch people in a different way Harry Styles."

"I touch neglected hearts," I whisper. "And you touch weeping skin."

His eyes are a warm shade of gold and his arm outstretches, hand caressing my cheek. The soft pad of his thumb strokes beneath my jaw and my heart must sigh a thousand times over.

"That's the thing about us. Our hearts and our bodies are connected. You can't touch one without touching the other."

Now my tears are slipping until they reach his tan hand and his fingertips collect the droplets. I can taste the saltiness in my mouth, tongue trailing over my moist bottom lip.

"I love when we're touching," he murmurs.

"I should really get ready for work," I exhale heavily, not wanting to break the moment.

"I'll do the dishes, don't worry about them."

He stays true to his word, scrubbing off the syrup before loading the dishwasher, hands submerged in suds. But of course he still follows me into the bedroom to distract me.

I'm sat on the edge of the bed trying to knot my tie when he grabs ahold of it, tugging me close, legs straddling my waist.

"You're so fucking sexy."

His fingers run through my hair and a deep shiver runs down my spine.

"You like that?"

"Zayn I'm seriously going to be late."

Not that I mind.

He kisses me, hand cupping my jaw. I'll have to cover the lovebites he scatters on my neck with my collar.

My cheeks redden for the millionth time as he pulls back and chuckles cheerily.

"You look like such a mess," he teases.

I bury my face in the crook of his neck, heart ticking steadily.

"Harry," he murmurs, fingers combing out my tangles. "I love you."

He's said it two times since he woke up and it does something to me.

It always will.

"Okay, I'm done torturing you."

"Tonight," I grin cheekily.

I kiss his temple hurriedly before hastily pulling on some dress shoes.

"I can punish you tonight?"

"Yes Zayn," I reply with a laugh. "If you so choose but I'm always an angel. Don't forget that."

He huffs, arms folding over his chest. "I swear if you didn't have to go to work I'd-"

I playfully punch his arm and his mouth snaps closed.

One tally for Harry.

"Well then I might tie you to the bedpost and fuck you into the mattress, you're being so-"

My hand cups his mouth, muffling the sound, warm air hitting the inside of my palm.

Two for Zayn.

His hand finds the crook of my wrist, prying my arm away. He traces circles into my hips, breath hot as obscene words fall from his lips.

We've always been slow and full of curiosity, exploring each other's bodies, caressing and stroking. Landing sweet nothings as our limbs get tangled between the sheets but I like Zayn's dark side more than I want to admit.

"Won't be able to walk straight for a week, gonna still feel me inside of you-"

He scatters more kisses along my neck and my heart pounds against its cage, yearning to break free.

"You're making me very late," I say sternly.

"You should call in sick."

"Fine, I just won't come home tonight," I snap.

He freezes up and I instantly regret saying it.

"Okay," he lets out a sigh of defeat. "All joking aside, you better get going."

"Zayn I was-"

He brushes me away, gaze cast on the floor.

I shudder and step outside, the fierce wind catching the door.

It's especially cold today.

A/N: was Zayn being annoying or was Harry completely unjustified in saying that???

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