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Long conference tables and swivel chairs are the first thing I notice when I walk in. That and the fact that everyone is staring at me.

To say I'm uncomfortable is a complete understatement. That is until everyone starts clapping and my body eases a bit.

"What's the meaning of this?"

I shake my head slightly, chuckling.

"Congratulations Harry, your colleagues and I think your hard work ethic and passion for what you do make you the best candidate for the promotion. How would you like manager tacked to your name and a nice pay increase?"

"You're joking."

"Hopefully you'll enjoy work more now, maybe get that promotion."

Unbelievable. My hand shakily cups over my mouth, eyes wide as the realization hits me.

I did it.

"I don't tolerate nepotism in the workplace. You deserved this."

"Woah," I exhale. "I don't know what to say. Thank you all so much. You are all so amazing and this means so incredibly much to me. I love coming to work to all of your faces. Geez," I wipe away a tear. "I'm getting all sappy. Special thanks to you Ben. You're awesome."

He grins and gives me a big bear hug, patting my back.

"This was all on you," he says in a hushed tone. "I expect great things from you. Do not disappoint me."

I won't mess this up. I won't, I won't, I won't.

Everything is falling into place, puzzle pieces snapping together. My heart has wings that flutter in my chest. I'm giddy and dizzy with excitement about what the future has in store for me.

I'm figedty as I sit through the meeting, chewing on my pen cap as he explains some financial data and goes over a few Excel spreadsheets.

All I want to do is call my mum...and for some reason Zayn.

They'd both be so proud of me. I adjust my shirt collar and gaze out the window.

Ninth floor views. It's spectacular.

It's a lovely day, fluffy clouds filling the vast baby blue sky.

When the meeting is dismissed I stop outside for a moment, just soaking everything in. The sun is warm on my skin and I spot a fuzzy dog on the sidewalk, tail wagging as it stops and sniffs my ankle.

"Hi there little fella."

His owner smiles as I pet his head and he pants, tiny pink tongue poking out of the side of his mouth.

"You're such a cutie," I chuckle.

The woman tugs gently on his leash and they trot off. I'm still standing frozen in place, stupid grin on my face when a familiar face approaches.

"Harry Styles? No way!"

"Niall," I reply excitedly, pulling him in for a bone crushing hug.

His Irish accent is thicker than ever, brown roots bleeding through his blond dyed hair.

"Long time no see. How are ya mate?"

He cards his fingers through his hair, aquamarine eyes twinkling as he awaits my response.

"I'm great. What's up? We lost touch for a bit."

"Oh," he frowns. "Nana was really sick again. I was back in Ireland."

"I'm sorry about that Ni. I haven't been the best friend. Really, I should have tried harder to reach you."

"Me too," he shrugs. "I figured you were busy. I know how stressful work is."

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