death fifteen

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I'm catastrophically in love with him. A desperate sort of love like Icarus loving the sun; too much and too close.

I hope he never lets the world's bitterness steal away his sweetness.

We seem to forget that even the moon has a dark side. So dark not even the stars can illuminate it.

Harry is like that too but he shouldn't be afraid to share that side with me.

I wonder if there are fallen angels and if so are they smiling or are they inhaling the poison of cheap cigarettes? Sometimes people want to be poisoned.

My eyes flick over to him. He's surely a form of art, a masterpiece. Heartbreaking, breathtaking...divine.

Everything feels so hazy and a bit floaty, like I'm losing touch with reality.

I've transcended to heaven once again.

He could paint jewels with his crystal tears, make a butterfly flap its wings, heart fluttering around like it's trapped in his ribcage.

After all it's just yearning to take flight.

I want him to make beautiful music. A symphony of shallow breaths and soft moans, make pearls with the wetness and pleasure that spills between his warm, bare thighs.

An entire strand, I'll take the precious beads in my mouth. Watch him as he watches me melt them down and swallow it down like warm milk.

I'll tell him he tastes sweet and that he looks like a dream, feel him settle between my arms.

And maybe I'll be holding the bright side of the moon.

Sometimes I forget that I'm just bones and boiling hot blood and atoms moving and diffusing in a frenzy. I'm quiet breaths, then stillness, then silence.

Then nothing more than darkness.

Stars fall, silvery soft snowflakes, droplets of rain, velvet soft petals, dying leaves, teardrops, heavy eyelids.

And me for him above all else.

Falling in love doesn't make perfect sense. It hardly makes sense at all. You're just spiraling and sputtering and then someone is swiftly catching you, cradling your heart. Storing you in their own, tucking memories safely away.

Pale emerald eyes and rosy cheeks, dark curls spilled across his pillowcase.

He really does look like an angel.

My eyes close again and I drift back to sleep.

When I wake I'm in a cold sweat, a familiar face peers over me, brittle smile stretched across his face.

"Want to spend forever with him? Hmm? That's...cute. He is pretty though, isn't he? I can see why you're so attached. Very beautiful, very pure."

We've focused in on him. He's still sound asleep, chest steadily rising and falling. Early morning light is filtering through the curtains.

He'll wake up soon, pour a cup of coffee, add a dash of creamer and a drop of hazelnut and be on his way to work, grumbling about all the paperwork he has to do before softening at the edges, feeling guilty for taking his job for granted.

Harry is like that.

"He doesn't deserve it," I whisper. "Not so soon, not so young."

"You're all he has left to live for. What would he have left if he realized you are immortal?"

"I...he'd find something else," I reply perplexed. "Someone else," my heart weeps. Would he really move on?

"I'm not so bad," he smirks. "If he dies when you're still part of his life he'll remember you. Rather it be now than when he's sad and lonely, no?"

"Yes," I sigh dejectedly. "But it would be so much easier if I was a human."

My stomach aches and so does my heart. It hurts. I've grown too soft.

I'm squeezing my eyes shut and blinking back tears.

"Time always seemed so insignificant, didn't it? The days just ran together, people were nothing more than empty faces passing by. You didn't know names or backstories. I'm sure you regret it now, becoming so attached. You should have killed him that day."

"Stop," I beg, tears welling. "I don't," my fists clench, chin tips up defiantly. "I'll never regret him. Love is a beautiful thing, you'll never understand."

He nods but remains silent.

"I see. One day you'll learn from your mistakes."

That's it, no searing my flesh, no lashings, no beatings.

Nothing more than an ominous warning and eyes that mock me.

"Harry," I whisper, shaking him awake.

He gives me a small yawn and a dimpled smile, arms stretching.

"Time to get up love."

"Don't wanna," he whines. "Stay and cuddle with me."

His pout is so adorable I wish we could stay in bed all day but that isn't how it works.

"I don't think so," I chuckle. "We have a lunch date later. Remember babe? You'll see me again then."

I peck his lips and he gets up, changing in front of me, ass wiggling.

"Harry! Stop, I'm serious," I say in a fit of laughter.

"Spank me," he giggles.

I grab him, hands gripping at his hips, whispering hotly in his ear. "Tonight."

I feel a shiver run through him. He looks at me, green eyes glistening.

"Is that a promise?"

"Can't say," I bite back a grin. "Get dressed lazy arse."

He chuckles lightly; softly, eyes crinkling at the corners.

"I'll see you later Zayn, I love you."

His lips brush across mine. I fist up his curls and sigh into his mouth. When he pulls away his cheeks are flushed.

"I love you more angel."

When he leaves I deflate. Why is it that I feel empty without him? I was perfectly fine before I met him.

Is this what love does to you?

I miss every dip and curve. Every freckle and flaw. I miss his scattered dark inked tattoos and his sweet smell. I miss the softness of his skin, the warm of his breath, the wetness of the inside of his mouth.

I'm...lost. I frown to myself and walk into the bathroom, stunned as I look in the mirror.

Sharp, chiseled cheekbones and long lashes. Full, sweeping lips and honey colored eyes.

For once I don't feel ugly. I feel beautiful. He tells me I am, he proves it so with gentle caresses and timid kisses.

I press my fingers to my lips where his touched mine, feeling euphoric.

It's like being high, body buzzing as I think of all the things I want to do to him.

I'm hungry for him. I'll devour him, swallow him whole to satisfy my constant craving.

My eyes flash, a rich gold, pupils darkening with lust.

I can't resist the temptation.

He shouldn't be so angelic.


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