Chapter 5: Motorcycle Girl

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Chapter 5: Motorcycle Girl

"Do you have a thing for my boyfriend?" Brenda snaps at me.

I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"I'm not in the mood for your shit." I snap, walking past her.

I was just trying to get to the cafe while I waited for Mason. I was going to get something to eat. I'm starving.

"I'm just concerned, Nate." She says. "You're so bitter and lonely and you cling to Mason like he's your lifeline."

My eyes widen slightly when I see Odeletta coming up behind her. I ignore her and scowl at Brenda.

"What is it? Are you just depressed because you are gay for Mason? That would make perfect sense, seeing as he's in love with me."

She flicks her blonde locks over her shoulder, glaring at me.

"I'm not gay for Mason." I practically growl. How dare she suggest that.

"That would also explain why you're so rude to me all the time."

Mason isn't here yet, so it's just us, and now, French Fry, who Brenda doesn't know is listening. Mason was in class.

"Listen here, Brenda." I start, pissed off. "I'm not gay. I'm straight as fuck. I don't cling to Mason, I live with him."

"You come out with us every time we go somewhere."

"Because you're fucking annoying and Mason doesn't want to hang out with you alone, so he drags me along. Trust me, there's a lot of things I'd rather be doing instead of talking to you."

"Yeah, like what?" She retorts, as if I'm not going to come up with anything.

"Sleeping, eating, cleaning vomit up off the floor, watching Netflix, driving, getting in a plane crash, and probably anything else, including burning to death."

"You're a fucking dick." She says.

I gasp, putting my hand over my mouth.

"Oh my god!" I say in a loud, girly falsetto tone. "You swore! A real swear! How unladylike!"

"Mason told me what happened with that French girl in your class today." Brenda says. "I'm sorry you failed your stupid test, but you don't get to bully me because your wifey fucked you over. Maybe you should just ask her out already. I know you like her. She's a bitch and you're an asshole. You'd make the perfect couple. You'd raise little demonic children with French accents and you'd probably insult them all day long."

I glower at her, my jaw ticking.

"I don't like her, she's a brat." I say. She's standing right there and she has a smug look on her face. "She's rude, disrespectful, and the list goes on. Also, me going after you has nothing to do with French Fry."

"You call her French Fry?" She asks, incredulous. "God, you are the rudest fucking person I've ever met in my entire life, and I'm going to tell Mason that you hit me. Maybe he will kick you out, and then-"

"Are you guys fighting again?" Mason calls, jogging over to us, almost slipping and busting ass on a patch of black ice on the sidewalk.

French Fry looks smug, but pissed off that Brenda called her a bitch. Mason glances at her and then gives Brenda and I a once over.

"No baby, I was asking Nate if heard from you! I was worried you forgot I was coming over!" Brenda says in a squeal.

My jaw drops, and French Fry snorts.

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