Chapter 23: Embarassed

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Chapter 23: Embarassed


I sit out by the pool, my leg bouncing uncontrollably as I look at Nathan talking to Mason. They brought the barbecue food and I am angry because Nathan is still wearing a shirt. He has black swim trunks on with a red tie and a white t-shirt that's straining against his muscles.

"Are you going to stop staring?" Harper snickers.

"Why is he still wearing the shirt?" I mutter, looking at Nathan, frustrated.

I mean, my hands are sweating, but I want that shirt off.

I need that shirt off.

Before I know what I am doing, I am on my feet, crossing the pool deck to go over by the grills where Nathan and Mason are discussing what to cook first.

I tap Nathan's shoulder and he turns around, his eyes moving down to me.

"Yes?" He asks.

I find my hands moves to the hem of his shirt.

"What are you-" he cuts off when I pull it over his head.

I toss the shirt on a nearby pool chair and turn around, walking away. Harper is almost peeing from how hard she is laughing. Brenda is scowling.

Nathan and Mason are looking over here, confused.

When I sit back down, Nathan is looking at me.

"Holy shit." I mumble.

His skin is nice and tanned, his pecs fully defined. He has an eight pack so defined, I could run my fingers in the groves. His shoulders look so strong. I see the v-line moving down into his red shorts and I gulp.

Mason says something to Nathan and they both snicker.

"You're staring." Brenda says, nudging me. I drop my gaze.

"It's rather hot, don't you think Mason?" Nathan says with a smirk on his lips.

And then he dives in the pool. I sit up, my eyes widen. His body glides through the water like a knife through jello.

When he emerges, his body is soaked, and he runs his right hand through his hair, shaking his head.

He walks back over to Mason, his back to me.

His shoulder blades stick out with the muscles. He has back dimples, and his booty is so round.

"I had sex with him." I whisper, my voice hushed as I tilt my head to the side. Harper snickers.

His calf muscles are large, his thigh muscles...

I mean, fuck.

"Wait until they're done and then take your clothes off." Harper smirks.

So after a couple of minutes, the stop whatever they are doing, put the food back in the cooler, and walk over to us.

"So are we swimming or not?" Mason asks.


Odeletta has been acting so weird, watching me like I'm a piece of meat.

And I love it.

She's wearing a t-shirt and jean shorts.

At Mason's question, she stands up. I watch as she shed her shorts, revealing black bikini bottoms. Anything here shorts was hiding now shows, and I can fully see her tanned, strong legs. She crosses her arms and pulls her shirt over her head, revealing her tanned chest, her toned stomach, and her sexy curves. My mouth goes completely dry and I watch as she turns around, bending over with her back to me, to pick up her shorts. My eyes trail down to her ass and I gulp. She folds them, and her shirt. Mason and Harper are smirking. Brenda looks annoyed for whatever reason but I ignore her like usual.

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