Chapter 15: Late Night Balcony

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Let  me know if this is a glitch chapter. It took me twenty minutes to get it to upload because Wattpad was being a butt.


Chapter 15: Late Night Balcony

She took us to a 24 hours restaurant and helped us order and we all ate and then we sat there and her and Harper and Mason were talking and laughing, and I've just been silent, guilt seeping through my pores.

When we went back to the hotel, I stayed quiet.

I couldn't sleep so I slipped out to the balcony and I'm watching cars pass in the street below.

I want to apologize to her so badly it's making my heart hurt.

It's three in the morning, but I find myself going back in the hotel room and lightly touching her shoulder.

She has beautiful skin.

I gently shake her, watching and her nose crinkles in her sleep. I smile softly as she stirs in her sleep before slowly opening her eyes, rubbing them.

"Hmm?" She mumbles, rubbing her eyes. She sits up, squinting at me in the darkness. "Nathan?" She asks softly. "What? Is somebody at the door?"

"No." I whisper. "I just..." I bite my lip. "Never mind. Go back to sleep."

I'm fix the blanket over her body, pulling it up higher for her as she settles back into the pillow.

I just disturbed her sleep for my own selfish reasons.

I go back to the balcony and shut the door, sitting out in the cold with a slow, mentally exhausted sigh.

After almost a full minute, I hear the back door open and close, and Odelette stands there in a tan knit sweater wrapped around her small frame. She leans against the railing in front of me, her eyes studying my face.

"Have you slept?" She asks.

I snort, shaking my head.

"I can't." I mumble.

"Why?" She asks softly.

I stand up, looking at her for a long time.

She's so fucking beautiful.

"I just..." I swallow, looking down. "I took you. A piece of you, little by little, chipping away without a care, calling you a brat, saying you're not a lady, telling you that you probably never talk to your Mom, taking your virginity when you hated me...I took you." I whisper. "And I just thought you were a bitch, that you were bitter because you just...were, but..." I shake my head. "I'm sorry." I whisper, building the nerve to look at her.

Her eyes search mine for a long time, and then she nods slowly to herself.

"You have not taken anything from me." She whispers. "I gave you my virginity." She says. "I gave it to you, willingly. You did not take anything from me. Yes, you said some rude things, but you apologized."

"But I'm sorry." I whisper. "I am seriously, truly, sorry. I'm so so sorry for it. I'm sorry."

"I forgive you." She whispers. "But you did not take from me. I gave away." She nods. "You are good man, Nathan, under all that bitter, there is good man in there. Whoever took it away is at fault."

I look down, over the edge of the railing.

"Who took it away?" She whispers. "You know my story now. You know everything. Professor Gaillard told you, correct?"

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