Chapter 14: Regret

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Chapter 14: Regret

I start to stand up, but Mason literally yanks me back down.

"Don't be a fucking idiot." He hisses.

I completely block out the French, just listening to Gaillard.

Security guards immediately grab Odeletta's arms, restraining her.

"Come here." Gaillard translates. The guards force her to walk.

The prisoners are her fucking parents.

Her fucking parents.

And now that I look at him, there's no denying the resemblance.

She has her Dad's face shape, no doubt, and the rest is her Mom, from her height to her body shape to the curve of her lips. She even has her eyes.

"You are a stupid girl for coming here. Your family is in a lot of trouble." Gaillard translates again.

"They didn't do it." Odeletta says in French.

"Prove it." Gaillard translates.

She starts explaining, explaining what happened.

When she was ten years old, her Uncle Liam was murdered, leaving just her parents and her Aunt Rosalie. Her parents started acting weird, like they were afraid. They sheltered her away from everything, but she would walk in on them arguing in English all the time, because her Dad is an American who learned French when he met her Mom.

Odeletta pauses, looking down. She takes a deep breath and starts talking again.

She says that her Uncle's murderer was the assistant of the president, who just so happens to be sitting in this room. That she found clues and literal proof, where she hands the judge her notebook. She says that when she turned twelve, her parents were taking her and Aunt Rosalie to America for her birthday, and her Mom saw the police officers recognize her family, so she told Odeletta to get on the plane. When she did, her parents never got on, and neither did her Aunt. Her parents were arrested right after the plane took off, sending a twelve year old Odeletta to a foreign country alone. She never heard from them again. She devoted her entire life to figuring out what happened. She was convinced they were dead.

She was convinced they were dead until three weeks ago, when she saw the news about the execution.

Which is when she shut me out, to put together the last few pieces.

The assistant to the president got the codes to the safe from the persidents office. He framed the codes in Odeletta's house when they went out for her Mom's birthday. He planted clues to the government who framed her parents.

He was the one to get in trouble for fraud, where we tried to steal millions from the government. He had it out for Odeletta's family because his grandfather was executed via guillotine back when they still, used them. He was out for revenge, so he planted the millions on her parents after murdering her father's brother.

"Il l'a fait pour se venger." Odeletta whispers. "Il a déchiré un enfant de sa famille et a enfermé les personnes les plus aimantes et innocentes, et a envoyé la femme de mon oncle à la clandestinitè. La famille Guillotin est innocente. Il est à blâmer!"

Odeletta points to some guy in the crowd and everyone gasps. We all look to Gaillard expectantly.

"She said he did it for revenge, and then she said 'he ripped a child away from her family and locked up the move living, innocent people, and sent the wife of my uncle into hiding. The Guillotin family is innocent, he's to blame.'"

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