Chapter 20: Broken

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We get a look inside of Odeletta's head this chapter and I'm very excited for you guys to read it.


Chapter 20: Broken


I watch Nathan's car disappear from the parking lot, confusion overtaking me.

"Did he just leave?" Mason asks, jogging over to me. I look at him.

"Yes. What is wrong with him?"

He stares at me.

"He didn't ask you?" Harper asks slowly.

"No. Ask me what?" I look between the three of them.

It is May now, May 2nd, and today was the last day of classes. I walked out of the hôpital after my accident on Lucia with a broken ankle, a bruised tailbone, a dislocated shoulder that was pushed back into place, and a sprained wrist.

Nathan and I have gone on multiple dates but he has not asked me to be his girlfriend. I will not push the subject.

"Ask me what?" I repeat, my voice harder.

"I don't-" Mason cuts off. "He's acting weird." He shakes his head. "For the last day he's been acting weird. Don't you think?" He looks around at everyone.

"He's just an idiot." Spears grumbles. I glare at her.

I hate her a lot, and every rude comment she says about Nathan only makes me hate her more.

"He has been acting weird." Harper nods in agreement.

They all look at me expectantly.

"What?" I ask.

"He was going to ask you to be his girlfriend." Mason says. "But..." he trails off.

I shake my head.

"No he was not." I say calmly.

"Yes he was." Mason says carefully.

"He looked sad." I say. "Very sad. He looked like he was asking me to go to a funeral, and then he took off."

"We were pushing him to ask you to be his girlfriend." Harper says.

"Well I can assure you, he was not going to ask me that."

"So you think something is wrong?" Mason asks.

I press my lips into a thin line.

"How is he acting at home?" Harper asks.

"He's..." he trails off. "I don't know. His Mom called him yesterday and he's been acting weird since. If it was serious he would tell me." He shrugs. "We've been friends since we were really young."

"Maybe Gabe knows." Spears says.

Mason starts pulling out his phone.

"Let's talk to Nathan first." I say. "He has the answers. Let's not look until we have to."


He wasn't a home or at work. His boss promised to call Mason if he showed up, but Nathan doesn't work today and he didn't work yesterday.

There's no reason he would show up at work.

But it is the next morning and he did not come home.

I am worried, walking around the living room.

"Let's give him until three." I say. "If he does not call or show up, we call Annie."

Annie is Nathan's mother.

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