Chapter 30: Factors

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Chapter 30: Factors

By the time I got home, I was a bundle of nerves. I couldn't stop wondering if I would be single by the end of the week. I used the time I had when I got home to clean my room, put my clothes back in the dresser, clean the glass, and put a new lamp up. And then, after prodding from my eldest sibling, I put a new bulb in the ceiling light.

Now I stand in the kitchen, still in my clothes from work, more stressed than I think I've ever been. All my messages to Odette have been ignored and I'm ready to get drunk to get rid of my worries.

"I'm sure she's going to answer you." Julian says.

"She will probably and text me to tell me I'm single." I mutter, glaring at my phone. I hit the home button, scowling when I find there's still not messages. "I mean, this is-"

"How about you rant while we get food." Jackson cuts me off with a clap the shoulder. "Come on cuz, I'm starved."

"You just ate three packs of chicken ramen."

"Yeah, that was, like, a half hour ago." He says.

"I don't want pizza." Mason adds before I can suggest it. "We have pizza four times a week."

"Let's go out to dinner." Peyton says.

"But like to Applebees." Julian cuts in.

"Uh, we're not going anywhere until Harper gets here." Gabe says.

"Do you like her?" I question.

"Who?" He asks innocently.

"Harper." I say.

"Yes." He says. "I'm going to marry that girl."

"I'm going to die alone." Mason grumbles.

"Whatever, I'm so happy Brenda is gone. She was so annoying." Julian says.

"You got that right." Peyton says. Somebody knocks on the door. Gabe immediately darts across the apartment to get the door.

"Who it is?" I shout, hopeful that it might be my girlfriend.

And then Harper walks in.

I groan loudly. "Gee, it's great to see you too Nathan." She mutters.

"Can I use your phone?" I question.

"Sure." She hands it to me when she reaches the kitchen

"What are you doing?" Julian narrows his eyes at me.

"Testing a theory." I say, scrolling through her contacts until I find my girlfriend.

"Get ready to leave." Jackson orders basically everyone.

I look down at my maroon button down and my black slacks and black dress shoes.

Running my fingers through my hair a few times, I hit the phone icon, putting it to my ear.

It rings twice, and then stops.


I narrow my eyes when she answers the phone, and then I hang up on her.

"She's fucking ignoring me!" I exclaim. "We can go to dinner, but we're making a stop."


We took two cars and one of them was mine. I drove straight to Odeletta's, making everyone wait in the car as I marched to her door.

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