Chapter 3

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Summayah got to school, at precisely 7:15 in the morning. Uthman Danfodio Memorial College, UDMC, was located in the heart of Sokoto and catered to students of all faiths and tribes. Sumayyah spotted her class teacher, Mr Danladi, standing at the gate with a cane in his hand-ready to punish the late students. His stern look scared her because being late herself meant big trouble. However, Mr Danladi spared her and allowed to pass through the gate without punishing her.

Sumayyah thanked her teacher and took quick strides into the school compound, all the while thanking God for the day Mr Danladi found out that she was a sickler. Now at the assembly ground, Sumayyah met one of her classmates and best friend, Azeezah, already in line.

"Hey, Sumayyah!" Azeezah exclaimed as soon as she saw her. "How are you doing today?" 

"I'm fine and you?"

"Never been better."

"Have you completed your Economics assignment, Az?" Sumayyah asked, even though she knew she shouldn’t have asked.

Azeezah smiled mischievously. "No, I haven’t. Why would I, when I have a genius friend who will allow me to copy her book.”

Sumayyah shook her head and decided to tease Az. "Who told you I did it? I went to the hospital over the weekend, so I couldn’t"

The smile on Azeezah’s face was replaced by a look of panic. "You're joking."

Sumayyah smiled. "Just joking, it’s in my bag. You can copy it, but you have to do it before first period."

Azeezah sighed in relief and wiggled her finger at Sumayyah. "It’s not nice to pull my legs Mayyah. But thanks anyway."

They both laughed at that and afterward continued to follow the assembly proceedings. After going on for about twenty minutes, the assembly broke up and all the students filed back to their various classrooms. Azeezah and Sumayyah searched for a quiet spot for Azeezah to copy her assignment, before they went to their class. They soon found one under an almond tree by the canteen and Azeezah settled down and began to write from her friend’s notebook.

While Sumayyah watched her friend write, her thoughts wandered to the new and scary development in her life. She decided to give her friend a hint because when the time was ripe, she would need a shoulder to lean on.

“Az, I won’t be staying for lesson today. I have to go home early because we will be having visitors at home.”

Azeezah stopped writing and looked at her friend. “Really? What kind of visitors?"

Sumayyah sighed deeply. "You won't understand, but I promise to explain to you in detail... very soon."

Azeezah stared at Sumayyah with a quizzical expression on her face, for what felt like hours before she finally replied. "Okay, but it won't take too long before you tell me, right?"

"Yes, I promise."

"No problem then.” Azeezah finished her work and stood up from the bench they had been sitting on. “All done! Now let's get class, it's almost time for first period!".


Sumayyah got home at exactly 1:00 pm and went straight into her room to change her school uniform. Famished, she headed into the kitchen to cook herself some instant noodles.

Sated and a little rested, Sumayyah returned to the kitchen to read the note her mother had left for her to find on the countertop. Hajia Fatima had instructed Sumayyah to prepare a meal to entertain their visitors with. Sumayyah set to work immediately, and since she enjoyed cooking it wasn’t long before she had prepared Tuwo Shinkafa, a local delicacy made from rice.

Thereafter, Sumayyah heated up the Mayan tusche soup which her mother had cooked already, on the electric stove. She then set plates on the dining room table and placed both the Tuwo and Mayan Tusche in the oven to keep them warm.

Feeling a little exhausted Sumayyah returned to her room and promptly fell asleep again. She woke to her mother’s voice calling her name repeatedly.

"Ma, I am coming."

She got out of the bed and opened her bedroom door, greeting her mother with the teslim as she did.

"Walaikum salam, Sumayyah. I have been knocking at your door for a while now.” Hajia Fatima started.

“I am sorry ma. I was sleeping because I was exhausted after preparing the meal you asked me to"

"Jazaakillahu khayran my dear. Indeed, you look very tired. Should I come inside and give you a massage? It will make you feel better”.

"I'm fine, Mama. There’s no need." Sumayyah reassured her mum.

“Nevertheless, let me do it. You know we have important guests coming and it would not do if you are indisposed.”

Sumayyah had no choice but to obey her mother, so she turned and walked back into her room, with her mum at her heels.

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