Chapter 36

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A determined Summayah got home, she ignored her mother-in-law who was busy watching a movie in the sitting room. All she wanted was to see her husband and give him a piece of her mind not minding the consequences. As she passed by, she could hear the running tap, thinking it was jamiu, she went straight to the kitchen but to her dismay it was jennifer. She turned to leave but jennifer couldnt stop her mouth from running.

Jennifer:Hey, where are you going to. Think of the devil and she is right here.

Summayah:It is non of your business, i should be asking you why you are here. This is not your home.

Jennifer: Haha, summayah you think this is your home too?

Summayah:This is my home but you ruined it.

Jennifer:Tsk tsk tsk... Your home is where you spent your night yesterday, you belong there. You should just go to a brothel girl, it fits you and your unborn child.

Summayah:Dont you ever say any awful things about the child, if you want to talk to me then say it directly to me.

Jennifer:Why are you trying to give birth to a child you claim you dont know how it got into your stomach. I am going to get married to jamiu, what did i tell you the other day? I told you i will ruin you but just tell me how you got pregnant. You have a boyfriend? Tell me who disvirgined you, you really played your games well.

Summayah:Just shut up.

Jennifer:I dont know why you always refuse to listen to the truth, you want to give the child of A to B. Is the father poor or is he irresponsible, thank God your plan didnt work or else my opportunity of marrying jamiu would have been just 5%.You...

Summayah:(She slapped her before she could continue.) You are crossing the line.

Jennifer:You slapped me?

Summayah:Yes i did, if you say anything again i would slap you one more time.Just get out of here now.

Jennifer:How dare you?

Summayah: I should have done this a long time ago. You think i am scared of you, that was before.

(Jennifer raised her hand but summayah beat her to it, she slapped her once again and jennifer couldnt believe it. Jennifer knew this was the only chance to prove herself to jamiu that she was a changed person and summayah is the violent one. She decided to harm herself, picking up the frying pan filled with hot vegetable oil, she poured it on her hand, summayah being the soft-hearted person took the frying pan from her.)

Summayah:Jennifer, cant you see? Why did you do this to yourself, you burnt your hands. (holding her hands gently, she wanted to put it under the running water.)

Jennifer:Urghhh, just leg go off my hands right now. You poured the hot oil on me, dont show any sympathy for me.(She shouted)

Summayah:What do you mean?

(Mrs Aminat entered the kitchen to see what the problem is)

Mrs Aminat:What is happening here.

Jennifer:Mother, she poured the remaining veg. oil i used in cooking on me.

Mrs Aminat:What? (Seeing the frying pan in her hands.) Summayah, what did you just do to our guest?

Summayah:That is not true, she is lying. She poured it on herself.

Mrs Aminat:Jamiu, jamiu... Come and see what your wife has done to jennifer.

Summayah:Mother, just stop it. Why do you blame me for every wrong jennifer did?

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