Chapter 28

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(After the 3rd week, Mrs Aminat released Summayah. She told her jamiu wants to talk to her and she mustn't say anything about her being maltreated.)

Mrs Aminat:Take my phone and talk to him. Listen and listen carefully, if he ask you why you have not been picking up your calls, just tell him your phone fell down and you couldn't pick up any calls.

Summayah:Okay ma.

Mrs Aminat:Secondly,dont tell him i have been living here for a week. He is writing his exams, i dont want your bad luck to disturb him. He would be worried about you, useless girl. You are worthless, i wonder how your parents have taught you all this while.

Summayah:I won't say anything to him.

Mrs Aminat:Sit down and talk to him.i dont trust you one bit, prostitute.

(Summayah sat down quickly, she dialled his number.After two rings he picked up his call. She heard his voice and she felt numb. Her tears are threatening to fall down.)


Summayah:(Hesitate to talk)Hello.

Jamiu:Hello Summayah,are you there?

Summayah:Yes,i am.

Jamiu:I am so upset with you.


Jamiu:You didn't even bother to call me after that day. Do you know i was so worried about you, i called your number severally but you didn't pick it up.

Summayah:I am so sorry, i didn't do it on purpose. My phone fell down, i couldn't press anything on the screen. Mum just came here and she promised to help me repair it.

Jamiu:I was so worried, i would have come back home but i am having my exams.

Summayah:You shouldn't worry, i am perfectly fine. Mother is here to see me, she really takes care of me.(She fight back her tears.)

Jamiu:Summayah,are you sure you are fine. Your voice doesn't sound like the happy Summayah's voice.

Summayah:I am fine, i miss you so much maybe that's the reason my voice sounds like that.

Jamiu:I miss you more than you miss me. Don't worry, i will be back by next week immediately after my exams are over.

Summayah:Come back soon okay.

Jamiu:I will and make sure you keep smiling. I cant bear to see you unhappy.


(Mrs Aminat glares at her and she knew she had to stop talking that instant.)

Summayah:I have to go, you should also study hard. When mum repair my phone, i will call you immediately.

Jamiu:Bye Summayah, don't be sad. Use your drugs at the right and make sure you eat too.

Summayah:Okay. (She couldn't stop her tears and Mrs Aminat snatched the phone from her.)

Mrs Aminat:Hello son.

Jamiu:Mum give the Summayah the phone, i want to tell her something.

Summayah:She went into her room, you know it's getting late. She has to sleep.

Jamiu:Okay, just remind her to eat because she only eat little.

Mrs Aminat:Okay,i will.

Jamiu:Good night, i have to study. Assalam Alaikum.

Mrs Aminat:Walaykum salaam warahmotulah wabarakatuh.
(She looks at Summayah who was still crying.)Summayah, what are you trying to do ehnn, you want to tell him right?

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