Chapter 4

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Severus POV
     I was cuddling on the couch with my husband when a owl came into our living room. I looked at Tom worried about what it was going to say.
    He saw my distress and held me tighter in his arms. Once, he calmed me down we went over to the owl and saw it was from Gringohtts. When, I took the letter off of the owls leg and fed it. Then, when I opened the letter and I was shocked by what it said.
  Dear Severus and Tom,
We would like you to come down to Gringohtts because, there is someone who we would like you to meet.
        With thanks, Bloodfang ( Manager)
  I walked over to Tom and handed him the letter and once he was done he was in shock too. After, we got are things together we went to Gringhotts to see who wanted us.
Harry POV
    I was sitting in a chair waiting to see my parents when the fireplace light up in green smoke. Once, the smoke cleared there stood my mother and father. Then, Griphook came into the room.
"Ah Mr. Riddle and Snape I see you got Bloodfang's letter."
They nodded.
"Who are you?" My mother spoke to me. I looked at Griphook and I handed them my papers.
     When, I see that they were done reading the papers mother came to me and wrapped me in a very tight hug which I returned. After, mother was done hugging me I didn't realize that I was crying, I quickly wiped away the tears before anyone saw. But, I was to late mother saw
"Why are you crying my child" he said as softly as he could.
    I didn't want to go around saying I was abused, starved, neglected and almost killed by my own father!! I just shook my head but, my father could tell what I was thinking. Since he is the dark Lord and had very good occumalancy (I am pretty sure I spelled it wrong)with abilities. 
"I TRIED TO KILL MY OWN SON!!" That set Severus off as he remembered hating Harry Potter.
  "Who were you before you found out who you were?"
"I was Harry Potter" I said as quite as I could. My mom was shocked by that name.
    I was starting to get worried that they didn't want me because, of who I was before. But I didn't realize that I was crying again, and my mother could sense what I was thinking.
"Of course we want you! We have missed you so much and that will never change okay."
   This was the side of Snape that no one saw but, his family. I nodded my head and cried in his shoulder as hard as I could.
     After, I was done crying I looked up at my mom and dad and walked over to my dad and hugged him like he was going to disappear forever. He gradually hugged back. Once, we were done hugging I looked over to see that Griphook was still there.  
    "Can we take off the blocks and the glamour on me please."
"Yes Adien come follow me." I followed him into a chamber and did as I was told and went on the middle of the room.



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