Chapter 5: And so it begins

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As Marco had walked through the hallway towards the entrance to the cruiser, he was met by an officer which Apollo had mentioned earlier, but he looked far different from the lieutenant he knew. Because this one, didn't look as friendly as the old man. 

As the kid neared the officer, his feet trembled like an earthquake. And then he reached the stall of the man after a few steps. The man inspected the latino from head-to-toe and let out a short grunt, he then asked, "what's your name, soldier?", the man said in a deep voice. Marco was just left there not knowing what to do, he was too scared to think straight until he remembered what Apollo had told him. "Uhh, C-cadet Diaz, sir", he said as he faked a smile and gave him the entrance card and posed a lame looking salute. The man took it and said, "Pathetic, we don't smile here, maggot" , the officer said in an annoyed voice with a frown. Marco then nodded in response as the man handed back the card to the kid. "Get in there maggot, before i make you do a hundred push-ups, in military count!", the officer exclaimed as Marco quickly took the card and said, "Yes sir!", as he hurried in and got in the shuttle.

Once he entered the ship, he finally sighed in relief. He then looked at his card, and it read, "U3", huh, must be my seat number". Marco just shrugged it off and proceeded into the inner part of the cruiser. Inside it, it had three rows of seats, with three chairs per row, just like any airline back on earth. And most of the seats were occupied by other students, so he headed to the seat where he was assigned to, 'U3'. It took him a few minutes to find it, but he still managed to do so. 

As he reached his seat, he carefully put his bag in one of the compartments, sat down, and made himself comfortable. And as he was almost about to fall asleep, and wait for the cruiser to launch, he noticed his seatmate was somewhat nervous of something, which prevented him from doing so. The other kid had white hair, and looked like the same age as Marco is. But he was profusely sweating, he was breathing heavily, and looking around as if he was looking out for something that was about to attack him. Marco seemed worried about him and asked him if he was all right. "Hey, you alright?", he asked as his seatmate was slightly startled, but calmed down afterwards. "Umm, yeah, totally fine, it's just that i'm not so used with inter-dimensional travel is all". "Wait, i thought it was up at space?" Marco asked confused. "Really? I thought it was at another dimension, but what's the difference? Were still travelling on a ship?" the latino's seatmate exclaimed. "Well you got a point", Marco said as he looked the other  way and got comfortable with his seat.

"Well, thanks. You got a name?", the seatmate asked, still planning to continue the conversation, in which Marco gladly replied to. "Yeah, Marco Diaz, what's yours?" he said as he shook the other kid's hand. "Uhh, Charles, Charles Townsend. You can call me Charlie" the kid smiled as he introduced his name. "Alright, Charlie, so is this your first time on a cruiser?". "Uhh, yeah, it's my first time in a ship" he then paused for a minute until he saw one of the admirals talk to the other officers and Charlie thought of something funny. 

"Hey Marco, wanna hear a joke?" he asked, trying to hold back his laughter. "Huh, this better be good" the latino said, smiling a little bit. "Ha! Alright, alright, why did the ship admiral decided against buying a new hat?". Marco just shrugged it off, still smiling. "Because he was afraid of, 'Cap-Sizing'!", he said as they both laughed at the joke. But Marco felt more than just plain humor. No, it was a felling that he hadn't felt in a long time. Its been years since he ever had a good laugh, someone to talk to, or even a good and proper friend. A few seconds later, both of them had stopped laughing.

"Oh, that was a good one, but still doesn't get rid of my fear of travelling", Charlie worriedly said as he rubbed his head. As Marco was about to speak up again, he was suddenly cut off by another kid, he still looked like he was of Marco and Charlie's age, but he had Neon Green colored hair, and sounded like he had a Scottish accent. "Ye'r juist a fud, means you're a pussy". "Well, sorry aboot that. Anyways, ma names, Scott, Finch. Jus' call me Scotty. Whit's yer name?". Marco was confused that even they had Earthly accents here on Mewni, "Seriously, you guys have accents like that from Earth?", 

"Not everything, is what you thought it was here on Mewni. Anyways, my names Charlie Townsend" the white haired boy said, as he gleefully introduced himself to the other kid. "Hey, names Marco Diaz" the latino said, smiling as he told him his name. "Hoo are ye' two?" he finally said as he, put up his luggage up in the compartments, but took some kind of headphones and a weird looking music player, and got comfortable in his seat. "Is that a music player? I thought they'd never allow those kinds of things in here?" the latino asked still somewhat confused about the regulations in this place.

"Well, Apollo wid allow thae kinds of 'valuables' on board", Scotty said as he put on half of the headpiece on his ear and listened to his music. "Yeah, Apollo is far different from the other officers. Well, there are a few just like him. Plus, he IS the president of the school", Charlie added. "Point taken", Marco simply added. Luckily, Marco and his newfound friends had the window seats, so they were able to witness the breathtaking view outside as they were ready to launch. Charlie was hanging on tight to the buckles on the seats, Scotty was chilling in his place and calmly listening to music, Marco breathed heavily and asked his two friends, "Guys, what do you think about how life is up there?". The two looked at Marco before replying back, "I dinnae, it would likelie be amazin", Scotty answered first. "I couldn't agree with you more" Charlie added. "But whitevur happens up thare, we're gonnae be fine", the scott finally said.

"Y'know, you guys are right, we're gonna do great" Marco said as the friends smiled at each other, happy that they had each other's company. But Marco had never this feeling of bliss, nor to know whats it like to have friends, in a very long time.

In a few moments, the students heard a loud, whistling, engine noise at the back of the cruiser, signifying that they were about to launch. And as the captain of the shuttle had told them to get ready and buckle up, which most of them had already done so, they felt themselves thrust back onto their seats, meaning that they had already launched up. And they were on their way to the gate of tomorrow, the 'Inter-Dimensional Battle School'.


*hey what's up you guys? Did you like the story? Or how about my new OC's, Charlie and Scotty? Well anyways, sorry that i didn't get to post yesterday, i was busy with school, but tomorrow is a weekend anyways so i get to update it furthermore the day after this, after i have already studied for my exams though, which is next week.

So wish me luck you guys, and i'll see ya'll tomorrow... :)

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