Chapter one~Just Another Day

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I wake up and look over at my clock. 6:30am. I groaned. Where is the snooze button when you need it? I hop out of bed and run to my bathroom, then hop in the shower. Why am I in such a rush to go to school? It's just going to be another day of hell. Who knows, maybe today will be better.... nahhh. I laughed silently to myself. I know that today isn't going to be better. Nothing about my life has been good since I've moved in with my mom when I was twelve. It's been four years since then. I started getting bullied about a month after I got here. It all started with Taylor. Taylor is the prettiest,meanest,and most popular girl in our high school and possibly in all of Florida. When I first got here, I think Taylor saw me as a threat because I was pretty and from the moment I came in the school guys were talking about me but because I was new, didn't know anyone, and looked shy she saw that as an opportunity to crush me before I even had a chance. On my first day I sat alone at lunch. Taylor decided to get a couple of cheerleader to help her destroy me. Of course they did what she said because she is the head cheerleader. She sent the cutest guy in seventh grade to my table.

"Hey I'm Gavin. You're Makenzie right?"

I was shocked that he talked to me. I just nodded yes because I was still kind of scared to speak.

"Why don't you come eat lunch with us?"

He pointed to the table. It was filled with seventh grade cheerleaders, football players, and pretty people who just looked important. I quickly recognized that to be the popular kids table. Why did he want me there? I never thought of myself as popular or pretty. I knew I wasn't ugly but never thought I had looks to fit in with the popular people. I was kind of average height for my age. I had really black, long, curly hair. My skin isn't really light but I'm not dark skinned either. I have hazel eyes, thick eyebrows, a small nose, freckles,and dimples. I was pretty skinny but I didn't have a thigh gap. I never saw myself as the popular because I was so different from them. I was too different. I go sit down at their table. Gavin grabbed my tray so I only held my juice. Taylor made me sit next to her. Taylor was the definition of a "popular girl". She wore nice clothes with nice, expensive jewelry. She had blond hair, a round face, and perfect teeth. She had no blemish on her. She was my height. She had blue eyes and kind of thin lips and eyebrows. Her nose was tiny and perfect and she had a thigh gap. Her waist was nice and thin. She was wearing blue skinny jeans with high heels, a really pretty neon pink blouse, and a silver necklace with a heart locket attached. Her blonde hair pulled back into a pink and white headband. You could just look at her and tell that she was popular.

"So, you're the famous Makenzie everyone was talking about huh? Well, I'm Taylor and I pretty much run the school," She grinned.

She hit the table three times with her soda to get everyone's attention. She stood on the table.

"LISTEN UP EVERYONE! I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY! I want to make the new girl Makenzie feel welcome. Everyone raises your drinks up. To Makenzie! I want to give you the warmest welcome possible." She held her can up as a sign for them to drink to the toast. She held it up to her mouth but then, poured it all on my head! " Oops! And did I say warm welcome? I meant the coldest." She smirked in amusement. The whole cafeteria burst into laughter. She came down from the table and whispered in my ear.

"I am the prettiest, most popular girl in school and you are nothing but a loser and a freak, got it?"

I looked at her shocked and humiliated. I couldn't believe that happened. I ran out crying while people shouted out names like freak and loser to me. That's when the bullying started. Once the queen of the school puts a target on your back, obviously the rest of the school will follow. I've been bullied like that since. I got out if the shower after snapping out of my thoughts of the past. I brushed my teeth then threw on my Little Mix shirt, neon blue skinny jeans, my black and white Vans, my red beanie, then grabbed a quick breakfast. I grabbed my car keys, red book bag, and walked out of the house.

Time for another day of misery!


Hey guys so I don't know if I'm going to keep up with this story. I'm only doing the first chapter to see how it goes but I'm not sure if it's that good. Please leave a comment to tell me your opinions on it. Hope it's not that bad. I'll think about updating another chapter soon. Love you guys!


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