Chapter six~ All time low!

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I just stared at him. Was he serious? That was all I kept thinking as I just kept staring at him. I looked at my mom and her face was boiling and I swear I saw blazes of fire coming from her eyes. My mom was pissed. She gave me the most scariest stare, if stares could kill, I would be lowered six feet underground by now. I looked at Jeff who was just staring at dad wide-eyed. No one could believe that my dad was challenging to take something if my mother's. I looked from mom to Jeff and back to dad. He had this look in his eyes as if he were waiting to speak. The whole room was silent and everyone stared at me. I swallowed really hard and cleared my throat. Finally, I managed to choke out some words.

"When are you taking me?" I asked as I looked to him. Just then, mom sat up and looked at me and mouthed I'm going to kill you. Great, you've really done it this time Makenzie!

"Go pack up! They said I could come straight here and take you. You dont have to pack everything. Take as much as you want and leave the rest. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to throw it away."

Assuming things and talking what was theirs, was my father trying to get himself killed by them? I looked to mom. She put on a smile, but I knew it was fake when our eyes met and she had her ice cold eyes locked on mine, as if she was locking in on her target, slowly aiming the missiles at me in her brain. She kept on that fake smile and looked to me then to my dad before speaking.

"Well then, since you're leaving today, why don't you run upstairs and get packed ok kiddo?" She said really sweetly, just like the killers in the movies who act sweet, but more creepy serial killer sweet. She then turned to my dad. " Do you mind waiting outside for her? I want to help her get packed and say my goodbyes. I'll bring out her and her things when she is ready."

Dad looked at me, as if he was telepathically asking me what I wanted him to do. All eyes were on me. Mom's creepy smile and eyes were really starting to weird me out. I gave him a gentle nod and he gave me one back as he left. I figured, I've been tortured in this house since in was eight, I could deal with five more minutes of hell. If that was the price I had to pay to get out of her, then those little five minutes wouldn't even matter. I headed up the stairs. I figured the less I packed, the less time I have to spend In there. Dad watched me up the first couple stairs then turned around and gave Jeff and mom a serious scowl before walking out. My heart dropped when i heard his loud Timberland boots walking across our hardwood floors until I heard him step over the door frame. I sped up to my room and started searching on things that I wanted to pack, until I heard loud, agitated footsteps coming up the stairs. I'm dead! That was all that was going through my head.

My door swung open and I jumped, even though it wasn't a real surprised. My mom appeared in my doorway with a snug, evil smirk across her face. She just stared at me as I stuffed clothes in my duffle bag. I didn't have any electronics besides my phone, which I only got because Nana made mom buy me the newest phone that was out then, and that I would have to call her everyday from it. Mom just..... stood there. I think that scared me more than the fake smile she possessed earlier. She finally moved. She started stepping closer and closer to me. I made an excuse to leave by saying that I needed to grab my makeup from the bathroom. I cautiously walked past her. When I past her and started walking down the hall, I glanced over my shoulder to catch her, like I thought, following me.

I grabbed my makeup bag and as I turned around, I saw my mom on the other side of the door frame. Was holding the door open for me with a big smile. I felt like I should have yelled for my dad then but, for some reason, I didn't. She walked behind me real closely. We were walking past the stairs and all I know is that I'm tumbling down the stairs! I hit my head on almost every one of them. When I had finally hit the bottom, I landed on my back. Jeff ran into the room, but once he saw that mom was just beating me up, he just leaned against the wall and watched with an approval smirk across his face.

Mom slowly walked to the bottom in her heels. She took them off when she got to the bottom platform. She raised one of them up and started beating me with them. At first, she would give me two hits at a time, but then I could see her eyes go black and next thing I knew, she just started wildly swinging her black and white stilettos at me and Jeff, when he tried to calm her down. I felt my cheek get stabbed by the heel and I started to feel all the pain at once. My mother then started feeling satisfied and decided to amp it up. She started stomping me, but since my brain wasn't completely bashed out, I noticed she only stomped me in major parts. She mostly went for my stomach, face, and vagina. Her stomps got harder, more violent. I actually heard one of my ribs crack. I was gushing with tears but too hurt to push a scream out. Jeff heard my ribs crack as well as my skull from when she dragged me by my head and bashed it with all her might into the cement wall. He tried pulling her off, but she just slapped him really hard across the face with the stiletto. She focused back on me. She stood over me, tall and proud. She looked like a mess, like something snapped and she'd lost it. She removed her hair from her face and caught her breath. She looked at me in my one half way good eye and a devious smirk crept on her face.

"You're not leaving me alive you little bitch! If I can't have you than neither can that bastard!" I screamed with what little breath I had, which wasn't a lot but I was hoping dad wasn't that far so he could hear it. Mom reached behind her and pulled out her gun. Jeff immediately tried to calm her down but she pointed it at him so he backed off. I gathered every ounce of breath that I could breath in and pushed out the loudest scream that I could with all of my strength. She pointed the gun at my head. I closed my eyes, knowing I was going to die. Mom and Jeff went to the shooting ranges three times a week and she never missed and I knew that. I love you daddy was all I could say before I heard her load the gun. As soon as she pulled the trigger, my dad came in screaming and scared her.


I felt warmth running down my arm. I looked at my shoulder to see exactly where I was hit. I watched as the blood escaped the hole in my shoulder. Everything got blurry as I watched my father punch my mother so hard across the face that she was knocked out. He viciously looked at Jeff, as if asking if he had a problem and wanted to end up like her. I began closing my eyes because the whole world got blurry. I lost conscientiousness to the blurred scene of my mom passed out on the ground, Jeff calling 911, and dad right by my side trying to keep me awake. I gave in and finally shut my eyes. I was done fighting.


Hey guys! Missed you all! I wanna say thank you to everyone who's reading the book and to everyone who's been following me. I love you guys sooo much :* Lol so guys please vote and comment on the book and tell what you think. And I'm always open to suggestions as to what you guys would like to see happen in future chapters. Do you guys think that Kenzie deserves a happy life? do you think she will get it?  Do you think it will be that simple?  Let me know! Love you guys!


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