Chapter Ten~ So Not Ready

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"Makenzie? Makenzie honey time to wake up. The day has finally come!"

I heard my father yelling from outside my door to wake up. I don't want to. I don't want to just because I'm truly terrified to start at Lockweather High. He's not going to get me out of bed by saying anything about school that's for sure.

My father started knocking again. "Makenzie Caden called and said he'll be here in fifteen minutes." I jumped out of bed and into my closet. 'Crap, I should have gotten up when I was told. I don't want to go to school with Caden all messy-looking,' is all I kept thinking as I frantically looked through my closet for an outfit. Found it! I decided to go with my black and white Pierce the Veil tank top, my skinny black jeans, my black on black Vans, and my black and white flannel around my waist. I decided to just braid my hair to the right side of my head. I ran to my bathroom and quickly but neatly put on my makeup. I was in the middle of finishing my mascara when I heard knocking on my room door. I opened the door to see Caden standing in my face, looking amazingly hot if I may add. He was wearing grey skinny jeans, black and white converse, a black and red Sleeping with Sirens muscle shirt, and his hair was perfectly flipped to perfection. Yes, I know I kind of sound thirsty but I'm only telling the truth, well it's the way I see him.

"Hey Kenz. You ready?" I couldn't push any words out, so I just smile and nod as I go over to the side of my bed to get my bad. "It won't be that bad I promise. Kennedy and I have your back. That made me feel a little better and he could clearly tell, because he looked down at me and gave me the cutest smile. Dad called to us that Ken was here and that we'd better get going if we didn't want to be late.

We got in the car and as soon as Caden started the car, my heart stopped. Ken looked in the back seat at me and mouthed for me to relax. I took a couple breaths hoping it will help, but I knew it wouldn't. This wasn't just nervousness. My social anxiety was starting to take place and I wasn't even at the school yet. I didn't bother saying anything about it though because I didn't see a point.

We finally pulled up at the school. At this point, I was freaking out. I kept it hidden from Caden and Kennedy. It wasn't hard since I'd always have to hide my pain or stress from the public because if I didn't my mom would publicly cause me pain, so I'm used to it. Caden turned the car off after he parked and asked us if we were ready before stepping out of the car. I got out the car,however, and began to feel faint. All of a sudden, I felt dizzy and my knees began to shake. I finally collapsed on the ground. I remember nothing but darkness after that.


"Makenzie Valentine to the Principal's office now!" The speaker called for me. I seriously hope this doesn't involve other people.

"Miss. Valentine please sit. Their have been some accusations going through the school about Zach Campbell and Cameron Johnson. It has been brought to my attention from someone in this school that these boys assaulted you. I would like to hear it from you."

I just stood there, frozen. What can I do?!? Zach and Cam are two All-star football players, had good graded, and extremely handsome. Zach had gold-like hair with piercing blue eyes and really cute freckles. He was a whole foot taller than me and very muscular. Can, he was about my height, muscular, brown hair and sparkling brown eyes to match. They both just looked at me as everyone waited for me to answer. I was very scared. If I had said yes, either the principal wouldn't believe me or worse, he would believe me and the entire school would kill me one by one. I held back the tears in my eyes, tried to swallow, and looked into the eyes of principal Hallington. "No sir. These boys did nothing wrong. They never assaulted me and never did anything to me that I didn't deserve. They are innocent and these rumors are false."

He nodded his head to the door for me to leave. I didn't hesitate. I walked out calmly but ran to the bathroom as soon as I stepped outside the door. I sat there and cried for the rest of the day. I couldn't help wondering who told principal Hallington on Cam and Zach. I waited an hour after school to leave because we were dismissed at 3:20 but football and cheer practices all started at 4:30 and I planned on hiding from the football team and cheerleaders, just in case Cam and Zach got one of them to try to kill me, even though I know when I get home that's exactly what my mom's going to do.


I woke up in my bed with Caden laying next to me. I could get used to this! I turned over and felt a pain in my side and the back of my head. Caden felt me move and woke up.

"Easy there sleeping beauty! You passed out in the school parking lot so I put you back in the car and brought you home. Ken had to go back to school since she has a perfect attendance record and she's student body president. I on the other hand couldn't care less about being at school. I didn't want to just bring you home and leave you so I decided to stay with you," he slid closer and put his arm under my head gently," I don't know what happened at school in the past, but I won't force you to tell me either. You will when you're ready. Meanwhile, I'll be here by your side ready to catch you when you fall. I'm not going anywhere. I'm sorry if I sound kind of stalkish but, their is something about you that makes me feel like I have to protect you and be there for you. Like you're mine. Anyway enough with the weird creepy guy talk, your head is busted a little bit. Let's go clean it up."

He lead me to my bathroom and disinfected it. He rapped a bandage over my head and took me back to my bed.

"Get some rest. Don't worry I'll be here when you wake up, But if if I'm not its because your dad shot me in the leg and buried me by the lake for laying in your bed with you."

He smirked that beautiful smirk, which made me laugh harder. I rolled over on his chest. It was warm and soft and I could hear his heart beating. He is a really nice guy, I'm just waiting for the catch to show itself.


Hiiii guys!!!! I'm sooo sorry it took sooo long to update. I've been extremely busy and tried to write but couldn't exactly find enough time. But, I just had surgery so I have been living on my couch for the past couple days so I decided to try to finish at least one chapter. So it's kinda crappy but I did it! The next one will be better and it won't be as long for an update I promise! Stay loving. Stay beautiful. Stay strong. I loooove you guys❤❤


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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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