Chapter Nine~ New Friends?

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I woke up this morning at about twelve noon to what I guess was an empty house. I laid in the bed for about twenty more minutes and watched a little TV. I threw myself out of bed and managed to walk down the stairs, even if it was in a sleep walking type of way. I walked into the kitchen to see a note on the table accompanied by money and a set of car keys.

Gone to run some errands. Here's the keys and money. Go school shopping. New start in three days. Be back in time to make dinner. Breakfast is in the oven. Had to keep it warm.



I pulled my oatmeal with toast our and began to eat. I was half way through and I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and saw a girl with dark hair standing at my door. She looked like the quiet type by the way she kept trying to jeep her head down, as if trying not to be seen. I've gotten pretty good at seeing through people. She was kind of tan with brown eyes and braces. She was wearing high-waisted blue jeans, Timberlands, and a tucked in Pierce the Veil shirt. She kept biting her lip, as if she wanted to say something, but she was too scared. She finally let out a breath, looked me in the eye, and began speaking.

" I was looking for Mr. Valentine but I guess now I have the pleasure of meeting his daughter he always talks about. I'm Kennedy and you must be Makenzie. Nice to finally meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well Kennedy. How exactly do you know my dad if I may ask?" I've never heard of him talking about Kennedy. Then again, I've only lived with him for three days. I don't even know where he works. He's been at home with me since I've gotten here.

" I live next to you guys. The house on the left of you. On the other side that's..." I had to cut her off. Just to get a chance to say his name without sounding crazy.

"Caden Smith," she gave me this weird look, as if I was a stalker. "Hahaha relax my dad told me his name. I haven't met him though. Only saw him. He looks perfect."

Did I really just say that? I didn't mean for that to come out of my mouth. She looked at me with a small smirk, which then turned into small chuckles. I had totally embarrassed myself already. New record!

"Hahaha it's okay I won't tell him. You say you haven't met him yet?" I nodded while chewing on my toast. "Interesting..." She pulled out her phone and called someone. I didn't mind it. I just kept texting Zoë. I text her everyday now to tell her how I'm doing and how much I miss her. Kennedy put the phone on speaker as she helped herself to the food in my fridge, which I didn't mind. She seems pretty cool and apparently, she sees me as a friend. Usually the quiet ones are quiet around everyone else, but their friends. They are completely themselves around the people who they're comfortable with. All of a sudden, the phone stops ringing and someone answers the phone in a deep but smooth 'hello?'

"Hey Caden it's Kennedy. Hey you wanna come next door to Mr. Valentine's house and meet his daughter? She's pretty cool!"

He said sure and hung up. My heart dropped deeper into my stomach than it did when she called his name. His voice sounded perfect.

"Kennedy I'm going to kill you. But right now, I have to get cleaned up. He can't see me all gross looking!" Come help me!"

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her full speed up to my room. We decided that I shouldn't look like I tried too hard. I put on my 'leave me alone' sweatshirt and some white and grey dyed leggings. I let my hair down and put on a little mascara. I had just finished putting my socks on when we heard a knock at the door and my heart jumped. We ran downstairs and I just sat down at the table texting Zoë again, trying not to seem like I was waiting for him. Kennedy went to open the door and I heard the sound of his shoes walking across my floor. I was so nervous but I didn't show it. I looked over and his face appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. He looked at me and gave me a really cute grin. I gave him a small and shy smile and that made him laugh and give me a big smile. I died. His laugh was beautiful and his smile was perfect. I'm sure in my head I was sounding like a thirsty fangirl, but it's just that, no one has ever made me feel this way and it feels like sky diving, it's both exciting and scary. I felt my cheeks getting hot and I knew that I was blushing extremely hard so I just looked at Kennedy, who was leaning against my counter by the fridge.

"You must be the famous Makenzie I take it? I'm Caden. It's nice to finally meet you. We hear all about you and now I can say you're even more beautiful than your father tells us you are. Your name fits you. A nice name for a beautiful face."Did he just call my face beautiful? I'm really blushing now. I just gave him another smile and eventually choked some words out.

"Thank you. Hey, do you have any advice for me about starting at Lockweather on Monday? I'm kind if nervous and I don't want to mess up here." I wanted to ask him because he seemed confident. I wanted to know his secret.

"Hey don't worry. Ken and I will be right there with you. You'll be fine. Just don't stress yourself about it. It makes it harder. Just go there with your head held high and you'll be fine. You can ride to school with me every day. I take Kennedy too so we'll all be going together and we're going to have your back. Don't worry. I have to go pick up my little sister from he'd ballet lesson. That's who you saw me playing with the other day." He saw me? " Grab my number from Ken and text me later. Nice to meet you again Makenzie."

He walked out and Ken told me she should go to. She has to go get some things for dinner for her mother. She gave me her and Caden's number and left. I kept on what I had on and left to get my school supplies. I think what Caden said kind of helped me. It helped me feel a little better about going to Lockweather, but I'm still nervous.


Hey guys! See I told you I promised I would get it up between yesterday morning and four a.m this morning! Again, sorry if its like bad grammar or something. I'll proofread later I promise. Well I hope you like this chapter because it seemed a little awkward as I was writing it Lol but it still seemed cool. I'm done early it's only 1:33 a.m lol. Let me know what you think. Thank you for you guys who read mg book. It means a lot. I love you guys! Stay strong. Stay loving. Stay kind. Stay beautiful! Love you guys!!


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