Chapter Eight~This is real?

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"Makenzie! Kid wake up!"

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and the sound of my father's voice. It took me a moment to understand where I was. I sat up in my bed and looked around the room. This is really my life. This is real life I thought. I heard my dad call me downstairs again so I slipped on my fuzzy slippers and socks and sped down the stairs. I couldn't wait to see my father, the man who literally saved my life. I entered the kitchen to see my father in sweats and a MSU tee-shirt flipping pancakes on our skillet. I immediately ran up to him and hugged him. The tighter I hugged him, the worse my bruises started to throb. That only made me hug him tighter.

"Good morning to you too kiddo! I didn't know what you had an appetite for, so I just cooked what you used to eat as a kid. You have chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream, sausage, maple syrup, and a French vanilla cappuccino with whipped cream on top. So how'd you sleep?"

I almost forgot to answer his question. My brain was still trying to process everything that just happened in the last two minutes. I woke up to the smell of food that I actually could eat, to the sweet sound of a loving parent, and I actually walked down the stairs without being pushed and beaten. If it's one thing I learned from living with my should have been an actor of a mother, its that one,  life is deceiving and two, don't have hope. Hope will only build you up just so life can knock you down and beat you half to death. Even though any life away from my mother is a better life, I won't assume and hope based off of what's happened in the last five minutes that my whole life will be perfect, because I know for a fact that this is only the beginning.

"Makenzie Valentine, hello! Hahaha you alright there love? You seem quiet this morning. Deep thought?" My dad's voice snapped me out of my daydream. I snapped out of it and actually tuned into the conversation.

"Indeed I was haha I was just thinking about how awesome it is that my life just got extremely better within twenty-four hours. Oh and I slept fine by the way."

My dad threw me a smile and I was smiling ear to ear. She nodded at my food, in other words telling me to eat up. I cut a piece of pancake with syrup on it and set it gently in my mouth. At that point, I just started sucking up pieces after pieces of pancakes and sausage into my mouth. I had forgotten what food that was made with good intentions, not made to kill you, tasted like. I had forgotten that my father can actually cook really well. I feel like today was already starting off right.

"Makenzie, you know you're going to have to go back to school, right?" There it was, my dad said the one thing that can ruin my whole life. I cannot go back to school, at least not my old one.

"Dad you can't send me to that school! You just can't. I can't go back. I have a new life now, a better one. That school will drive me back down the road of depression, hurt, pain, and fear. That's the second worst thing that could ever happen to me, under living with my mom. Please daddy don't make me go back there. I can't it just feels like I have no purpose every day I go there and I always end up feeling worse than the day before please dad I..."

I started breathing heavy and everything kept getting all blurry then fuzzy and my dad's voice sounded like a distant echo. I was so focused on convincing my dad to not make me go back to my old school that I went into fear and panic that he would make me go back, and fave myself a panic attack. My dad tried to calm me down and talk me out of it, which didn't work but, I let him think that it did. Living with a parent that doesn't care, I had to learn to get through my panic attacks on my own. I got through it but I told my dad, "Thank you for helping daddy." What I was really saying in my head was 'thanks for caring and trying daddy.'

"Makenzie if you don't want to continue at Blue Water High, then I'll get you transfered. It's not a problem love. I have this neighbor um what's his name Jayden... Hayden... Caden! That's his name, Caden Smith. He goes to the school around the block, Lockweather High. I'll enroll you in there on Monday. Come to think of it, he drives himself to school. I'll ask him if he'll take you to school so you don't have to walk."

Is Caden the guy that I met yesterday? Doesn't matter. Bottom line is, I have a loving household, a parent that cares, and starting in five days, I get out of that hell hole that they called school and get to start fresh at this new one. I hope I dont screw this one up!


Heeeeeyyyyy gguuuuuyyyssss!!! I missed you guys sooo much. Sorry it's taking me too long with these updates but, its just been a lot going on in life right now Lol. This chapter might have improper words or bad spacing or just be crappy and I'm sorry about that. It was kinda rushed and I really dont have the energy to proof read it because its 4:02 a.m but I was trying to get this done because I promised a friend I'd at least update one chapter. I'm pretty sure I'm going to work on one all day tomorrow and publish it tomorrow night. Thank you guys for being sooo patient! I love you all! How's school going for everyone! Thanks for everyone who's keeping up with the book. Anyways promise I will proof read and edit this chapter tomorrow to make it better. I love you guys. Stay strong. Stay kind. Stay caring. Bye


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