The Wise Words Of Stephanie And Seabastian

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There was a soft knock at the door. It was Stephanie and Sebastian.
"Hey, we figured you could use a little company..." Stephanie said taking a seat next to me on my bed
"Leave me alone guys." I mumbled
Sebastian frowned "Remington... it's been days. Alex is an addict. You can't change that. But there is something you can do."
"Oh yeah? Like what?" I muttered
"Leave her be Remington." Stephanie said "If she truly loves you. She'll come back. She did last time didn't she?"
I sighed "yeah, a year later..."
"A year is better than never." Sebastian said
"And if you love her- you'll wait. Give her time." Stephanie said
I scoffed.
"I don't think she's has much time... not with Rickey around..."

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