Its about me...

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Why. Why am I sitting in the middle of a closed Mick Dicks at two in the morning? No- better question.
Why the hell was I sitting in a closed McDonald's with Emerson and Remington?
Simple answer?
I was stoned.

Remington was the only sober one though he tore through the chicken nuggets like he was higher than a helicopter. Emerson and I were laughing about something I'm sure wasn't even that funny but in our inebriated state- must of been fucking hilarious.
Remington sat next to his brother across from me at a booth, starring straight ahead at the wall behind me, stuffing chicken nuggets into his mouth.
"So..." I say as I regain normal breathing "What brings you dumbasses to North Dakota?"
"A van." Emerson said as he struggled to open his straw wrapper
I chuckled, almost spitting my diet soda everywhere.
I look to Remington.
"Care to elaborate?"
Remington kept staring blankly ahead.
"Hello?" I waved my hand in front of his face
"REMINGTON!" I snapped my fingers and he turned to look at me, snapping out of his nugget trance.
"Huh?" Remington mumbled with a mouthful of nuggets
I scoffed.
"How's Pauline?" I snorted
Remington shrugged "We don't talk much anymore..."
Emerson fell against Remington laughing.
"She-haha- she- she- threw a-!" Emerson tried to get out "She threw a hairdryer at him!"
Emerson died of laughter, I sobered up quick wanting to know the details.
"Really?" I say pretending to to be interested "...How come?"
"She didn't like our new song..." Remington sighed tearing up a chicken nugget.
He did that, he played with things when he got nervous.
"Oh?" I say taking a sip of my coke "What song?"
"You haven't heard it?" Remington said almost disappointed
I shoved a chicken nugget into my mouth and dusted off my hands, pulling out my phone and heading to YouTube.
"What's it called?" I ask
"Ma Chèrie." Remington said sliding back a bit "it features Kellin Quinn..."
"Sick." I say as I type it in
I listened to the lyrics and died inside. My heart rate quickened as the lyrics clicked in my brain. Remington's voice twisting out of the speaker into memories and flashbacks.
The next thing I knew I was on the ground with my eyes tightly shut and my hands pressed over my ears like a child.
Remington and Emerson where trying to pry my hands away and we're yelling my name.
"Alex! Alex!"
I opened my eyes and Remington was crying.
"It's about me...!"

Ma Chérie | Remington LeithWhere stories live. Discover now