Reason why I was Gone

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Hey guys, its been a while since i actually updated this book. I wanted to explain the reason why I haven't really been updating at all lately. The reason may not surprise anyone who knows me personally.

I moved out of my dads house and in with my mom full time at the beginning of August, which has caused a lot of emotional strain on me (my first day with my mom full time, my dad decided to react by staking out my house and refusing to listen to the cop who was there to make peace) and I had a monstrous headache. I went to bed immediately after that happened. My dad loves to ignore my mental health issues and takes every opportunity to publicly embarrass me but I don't want to talk about it. 

Two days after that episode happened, I went to Disneyland and took a picture with Captain America. 

I just couldn't force myself to write anything. However I did get two oneshots in multifandom oneshots and headcanons done, and a new chapter of euphoria might be done within the next couple of weeks. But I'm still writing the final draft of the next chapter of His Mermaid, which will possibly be one of the last chapters in the book because I really don't want it being over 100 chapters long.

So I hope you all understand my absence. And until next time,


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