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"C'mon! You can do better then that!"

Finn yelled at me as he watched Sasha and I wrestle. These past couple months, I've been training harder then ever. My fuel was lit. I was doing this for Mia. Finn was training me because he knew my limits. He knew my weaknesses. He knew everything I thought I couldn't do. And he pushed me. Harder then I've ever been pushed in my life. Sometimes, we would go home and have screaming battles. But he would just push me harder the next day.

I set Sasha up for a Bayley-to-belly as Finn watched on. Once I hit the move, I pinned her. Finn counted on the mat.

"1..2..3! Good job."

Finn said. He helped me up and I exited the ring and headed for my water bottle.

"You're doing a great job. I'm proud of you. You know that, right?"

Finn asked.


I said before taking a swig of my water.

"Good. I only push you cause I want you to succeed. If you want to tribute your career to Mia, I know you'll want to succeed."

Finn said. I smiled as I bit my lip.

"I wanna succeed like you succeed."

I said, looking at the universal championship that laid across the chair behind him.

"You will. I promise."

Finn said, kissing the top of my head.

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