The breakup

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Annies's pov

it has been a few days since that Hayden thing. He and I have been hanging out a ton. Kenzie has become distant to Hayden it today we have a lu out and it's going to be so much fun. but before that, we all decided to go shopping. Hayden, brook,brec, Annie, and Kenzie's conversation

H- Annie what are you going to get?

A- I don't know im really liking this flowers

H-ok so can I get you one. so you won't forget me?

A- why would I forget you?

H- because I might have to hang out with Kenzie more. she has been getting mad at how much time we have been spending together.

A- oh then sure. I like this flower what do you think?

brook and brec talking while they are looking at us

Bre- wow aren't Annie and Hayden the cutest thing ever?

Bro- they are but I thought Hayden was dating Kenzie?

Brec- me too I guess something happened


I and Hayden turn around and laugh.

Hayden's pov

Honestly, I ship Hannie but Kayden is happening right now. but I think im starting to love Annie. she so different from the other girls. the way she smiles and the way she acts is just different. her laugh it lights up my world honestly. " Annie, have you seen all these Hannie diets?" " yeah, I look good in a lot of then...... Im just joking" she said. when she said that I could not agree more.

little time skip to after shopping.

Annie's pov

so Hayden is with his girlfriend right now and we are all headed to an ice cream thing to grab something to cool us down. so we get there and I get ice cream and we all set down. We had to different tables. Hayden, Kenzie, Lexie, rush, Hayley, and I are seating at one and everyone else at the other. their conversation. H- Hayden K- Kenzie L- lexie Ha- Hayley R- rush A- Annie

H- how are you guys liking Hawaii?

A- it's amazing. I never want to go home

R- I like it the only thing is why are Annie, Lexie, Hayley, and I third wheeling for you and Kenzie 

L- RUSSSSHH! leave love alone. you have no problem third wheeling for Hannie...... opps I mean Hayden and Annie.... im mean not that there dating.... ahhhhh im going to be quiet now.

Ha- Lexie, Annie, and Hayden are not dating. there just friends. and I love Hawaii its so much fun and we get ice cream a lot!

M- lexie Annie would never be able to date Hayden. why? because Hayden and I are in love aren't we boo

H-  um yeah sure ( i didn't realize Kenzie was talking I was too busy looking at Annie)

M- Hayden remember we have a private date on the beach before the lu out.

H- yeah do you want to head out?

A- Hayden you said we can play Minecraft before we head to the lu out.

M- he loves me so his coming with me 

H- sorry anz we can do that tonight after the lu out ( i could tell she was sad about that but I tried not looking at her face. I know she's doing her little puppy dog face.)

Hayden's pov

So when we were finished Kenzie went down to the beach. as Kenzie and I were talking, I felt a difference. a difference between talking to Annie and then talking to Kenzie. Kenzie and Hayden's conversation. K- Kenzie H- Hayden

H- hey Kenzie?

K- yeah babe? whats wrong

H- I don't think I like the idea of being a couple


H- I mean we are done. I would like to still be friends. but this doesn't feel right it feels weird.

K- Hayden is it because of Annie

H- no it's not. im not saying this might not happen but in the future. just right now I want to see if I have feelings for someone. 


H- a few days ago i was head over heels but right now i see you more as a friend.... i hope to still see you around but i need to go my own way....


annieleblanc- hawaii lu out and change!

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annieleblanc- hawaii lu out and change!

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haydensummerall- looking nice tonight

rushholland- #hannie

hannie_7c- did rush just comfirme hannie

annieleblance- hayden and i are just best friends

haydensummerall- for now.....

lexiedrew- cutie

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