I really like you

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Hayden's pov

H- Annie I really really like you... I know it been a few but when I first saw you I was in love. I love your personality and just you. it has been a whole month or two since I wanted to say this but Annie Leblanc will you be my girlfriend?

A- Hayden I...... will be your girlfriend.

H- im so glad you said yes.

A- me too

so after dinner, I and Annie went to the pool to relax and just to be together. im glad she said yes. ever since I saw her at the airport I fell in love. so wall me and Annie was at the pool I saw someone I never wanted to see...... Jonny and Lauren... Lauren and I dated a long time ago and Joony well he wants any girl I have.. this is going to mess up everything.

J- hey Hayden hows it going?

H- hey Jonny we were just leaving

L- don't live it's been a long time since we have seen each other

H- there's a reason for that

J- whos you friend Hayden

he said as he winked

H- this is Annie MY Girlfriend

J- hey im Jonny and this is my lil sister Lauren

L- watch out Annie Hayden is a heartbreaker

A- Heyden is there something I need to know?

H- yes Lauren and I used to date. and Jonny is my ex-best friend.

J- and we mean EXBESTFRIEND

A-ok im guessing you want to leave Hayden.

H- yes, please

A- well maybe we will see you around.

J- hey Annie can I have your number


Annie's pov

I can't believe Hayden's ex-girlfriend is here. ugh, I just want to go home and never see her again or her weird brother. the walk back to the rooms was quiet and when we got there we were just tired so we said goodnight and went to bed. Tomorrow we have a meeting about a concert and then we head back to la well my family does. I don't know if I want to do this long distance thing. maybe being Hayden's girlfriend isn't the right chose. and what did they mean about his a heartbreaker? I feel asleep thinking about all these things.i was woken up by Paige and Hayley. After a feel minutes, I got out of bed and headed to the shower. After taking a shower I put on my green bathing suit and then a tank top and some jean shorts. We headed to were we are supposed to meet. we were kinda early so it was a good time to take pictures. When I turned the corner I saw something I never wanted to see I saw him with another girl. they were making out. I couldn't move I was heartbroken. Joony was right he is a heartbreaker. he saw me so he stopped I just slowly walked away hoping he would come after me.... but he didn't he didn't care I was crying he didn't care I was hurt... I just want to leave. After the meeting, we said our goodbyes. I said goodbye to everyone but Hayden I didn't want to see his face. I didn't want him. on our way to the car I heard Hayden say something he said, " Annie I love you and I always will." it was love in parades until it ended and now im headed to Las Anglos to be a big singer and actor.

so I hope you all liked this book. I ran out of ideas so im ending it here. please go check out my other book Childhood love. it's about Annie and Hayden trying to remember there old memorize. will they love again but will they walk away from the past. go check it out.

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