Chapter 8.

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I walked up to the room that Gany had walked into, slightly nervous. I closed my eyes, braced myself, then knocked on the door softly.

I don't even know this girl, and I don't know how she'll react to me coming and invading her personal space in a way. Like, I know I'd actually be happy that someone cared enough to check up on me.. Everyone is different though. Everyone has a reaction -but I hope it isn't a bad reaction. I hope she's easy to talk to, because I'm only here to help. Otherwise I would've sat my ass out there on the couch choppin' it up with Rica, Shay, and Mj.

"Aye uh, Gany?" I said lowly while putting my arm back at my side.


Damn. Why she gotta be rude man?

"I could come in?"

"I guess."

Gany is cute, but her attitude is just.. so very unattractive.

I pushed open the door and stepped inside, closing it slowly behind me before walking over to the loveseat that was across from where she  was lying on the couch.

She didn't say 'hey' or anything, so I guess it's up to me to break the ice.

Before speaking though, I took the time to look around the room. This room looks like another chill spot, and there's a bar area with lots of bottles of alcohol there. The couches and chairs were nice too. Designer. These girls must have a good ass gang, 'cause it looks like they're bringing in a lot of money.

Gany is still just silently laying on the couch, staring at her phone. I peeked at it out of the side of my eyes, and noticed that she was getting like a thousand notifications every damn minute. I cleared my throat and fidgeted with a loose string on my pants for a second.

"Hey, Gany. You good?"

She ignored me and continued looking at all of the messages that were coming up on her phone.

"Gany." I repeated. Not that I was trying to be annoying, but it's like.. hello bitch I'm trying to be here and be a shoulder to lean on.

"I'm gon' just go and meet 'em somewhere since they wanna meet up so bad." She said in a very monotoned voice. My face scrunched up and I grew curious as I licked my lips, speaking softly.

She hadn't even said one word to me, but wants to talk about random shit that she knows I most likely don't know about? Uh..


"Man. So my girl broke up wit me 'cause she fell for her best friend. But for some reason she ran to ha group of dyke friends -they not a gang, just a group of friends- and since the beginning of this week or whatever, these bitches got me in a damn group chat and they keep talking shit. Now they calling me out saying to meet 'em at the park and since I'm not replying they keep saying I'm scary! Man ion got time for the shit, I'm jus gon' go." She had started ranting out of nowhere and I stood up walking closer to her, standing by the couch.

"No, why would you go somewhere with a group of bitches who don't like you? And by yourself? Like what type of sense does that make? They seem like a bunch of lul ass girls tryna set up a fight or some shit. They don't know we don't do allat talkin' shit." I tried to seem hard as fuck, knowing I wasn't anywhere near 'bout that life.

"Cause man; I'm fuckin' tired of 'em talkin' shit."

"Ima go with you."

Gany sat quiet for  a few seconds, but as soon as her phone started blowing up again she stood up and nodded, stuffing her phone in her pocket. I half smiled and began to walk out of the room. I mean, at least she didn't reject me. Because I kind of wasn't asking, I was telling her that I'm going with her. And if she was to shut me down and tell me no, I'd probably feel dumb and rejected in a way.

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