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Hey everyone!

I have been thinking about wattpad for a few days now and I've finally logged back in. I was on my old account for the morning and I thought I was on this one and I was replying to peoples comments 😂 but anyways, as some of you know, I had published a second book to this one and it was called "meant" but I had taken it down about a few months ago. Instead of making another, I decided to just update all of you.

I have been in such a better place these last few months, and I've learned to be strong and just take one step at a time. For everyone who is going through a bad breakup, believe me I understand. And for anyone battling with going back to somebody who is very much toxic for you, please don't keep going back. Honestly it doesn't get you anywhere but in a hole of depression. If you still wish to talk to them, be there as a friend and know your boundaries because you're just hurting yourself. It's hard! I know, believe me. 😂 I went through it for quite a while with the same person over and over and I had come to a realization that shit isn't going to change the way I want it to. And if there comes a time where they finally want to love and appreciate you, they can't because you'll be moved on and doing so much better and hopefully you know all that you're worth.

Reading over my story made me sad and it also made me laugh, because I didn't realize how sad I was and how much I hated myself and the people around me. I knew i was letting someone run over me and stuff but i didn't love and appreciate myself to put a stop to it. I'm in such a better place as I said before, and I'm so proud of myself. I also want to thank everyone in the comments of my chapters because even some of the "she's so dumb" comments made me get a grip on my life lmaooo. But the sweet sincere comments made me smile and gave me so much hope and I didnt tell you all that but I'm telling you now.

It's not really easy for someone to write about themselves and let the world know that it's actually about them, but I did and I'm glad that I did because you guys are absolutely amazing!

For those wondering, yes Jaie and I speak here and there. We don't talk about the past much and we're both moving along and doing big and better things. I sometimes have my moments (not much anymore) but I get over them quickly and I look to more positive things to be thinking about.

I havent talked to Monica since my birthday, which was the last time she appeared in this book. Cam and I actually don't talk much either and we haven't talked in months. I think we just drifted apart. BUT, when we do talk to each other it's all positive vibes and we update each other on life and we're very happy for one another. She and Kiara are not together anymore.

I also don't talk to anyone from TYB anymore, not since before I even wrote the story lmao.

I'm probably missing some information, but if y'all have questions for me to answer please ask here!

Anyways, I just wanted to thank you all and let you know that I'm okay because I've been gone for a while. Also, I'm thinking about writing more books if I have the time. If y'all could give me some ideas on books that you'd actually enjoy reading, that would be great. I have lots of ideas but I wanna see what y'all have to say.

I'm not always on wattpad, so if y'all want my personal contact stuff just message me. Remember that I'm here and I have lots of advice for all of you. Thank you once again and I love allllll of you. 💓🤪


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