Chapter 3: Octavia

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One way or another, I've spent most of my life locked up under the floor. Since I was born, my only bed was a few feet below the floor and a small half-broken teddy. That was my only company.

Now, I'm still the same. Locked in a bunker under the ground and which, depends on me.

But I never wanted that position, I never asked to be a commander. All I wanted was that Skaikru, Trikru, Azgeda and the rest of the clans to survive together as a single clan, Wonkru.

But it gives me strength to know that this is what Lincoln had wanted. He was the only one from the beginning who said that we were all a clan and that we could be better.

I force myself to remind it every day, so that my strength doesn't fail. I also have engraved in my head the last words Bellamy told me before the communications were cut off forever.

"I'll be counting the days to see you again," I said to him, and since then, I haven't broken my promise. In a few hours, the bunker will open and we'll meet again.

It had to comes Praimfaya so I could tell him that he loved him. But today I could say it in front of him

However, I can't forget all the things that have happened since the bunker was closed. There have been many manifestations and confrontations between grounders and Skaikru, in particular one that I'll never forget.

"2 years after the Praimfaya.

- You can't lock up the rebels in cells without water and food for a few days, Octavia, that's not enough - said Indra.

- What do you want me to do? Kill them? - We are all that remains of the human race, you know that I can't do that - I felt anger and helplessness over the situation.

It had taken me time to understand that a death by revenge didn't solve the problems. The Octavia of before wouldn't have hesitated for a second to kill those rebels herself. But I did not act like this, I couldn't be like that.

- You are the commander, Octavia - said Indra, sighing and clutching the pommel of his sword with his hand - in the Ark they killed people for a lot less and they also thought that they were the last survivors, what's the difference?

- The difference, Indra, is that I'm not Jaha - I said raising my voice - and now, things are done by my way. So, lock them up and leave them without eating. I'll go and talk to them in an hour. "

Indra was in silent, hesitant to say more or to remain silent. Finally, she nodded.

- Yes, my commander.

She left the room and closed the door. I sat down in the chair in front of the desk and picked up the report. From time to time one had to write the available amount of water and food, the state of the machines and the number of rebels (if there are any).

The rebels were mostly from Skaikru (there was still a minority who didn't agree to share the bunker with the grounders) but there were no more than 1 or 2 each month, which were locked up for a few days and after their release, they didn't cause no problem.

But this time it was different. The number of rebels had increased and it seemed that they didn't learn from the punishment, because the rebels who had been punished, a month later, acted again with new allies.

I knew that I had to use another method of punishment because the cells seemed not to be enough to modify the behavior of the rebels, but I refused to accept Indra's proposal to kill them as an example of what would happen to the next ones that manifested themselves against Wonkru.

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