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Year: 1867 

Long ago, the land we now walk was once ruled by vampires. Fierce killing machines, we were feared by the world and respected by the humans. We lived in harmony for thousands of years, fueled by the criminals and sacrifices giving to us by the humans to keep us from mercilessly hunting them. That is until one day; it was October 6th, 1867 coronation day in the kingdom. The humans were feasting, celebrating, and positive chatter sang throughout the kingdom! Even my parents and I, rulers of all vampires were invited to this vast ceremony. It was a grand day until the sun began to set and it was time to crown the new king; Charles Vi Gumball. As we stood behind the new king looking down at all the townsmen a sudden feel of dread fell upon me. I did my best to shake it but nothing was working. Trying as best as possible to shake this feeling I missed the coronation, but I came to as the new King of AAA began to speak. "Subjects. For hundreds of years, we've lived in fear of the vampires. Sacrificing our people, and giving into the panic of the vampires attacking us. But today, I say no more." The crowd gasped. My parents looked at the king with shock in their eyes. At that moment, the king turned to us and spoke. "Today, I break the treaty bestowed between us and I will no longer sacrifice my people for the sake of satisfying your unholy entities. Shall you return to my land we will not hesitate to eradicate your people." I felt my cold blood turn boiling hot. I was ready to attack the arrogant scum before me until my father stepped before me. "Your highness, do you not realize the mistake you are making to your people?"

"There is no mistake, I have gathered the most fierce hunters and trained them to defeat even the most powerful vampire you would attempt to throw at them."
"As you be King Gumball, but this will be your only warning. Our people have been at peace for hundred of years, but we have never stopped preparing for this day. Our people are strategic, agile, and have powers beyond your imaginable belief. Please understand the decision you're making and the detrimental effect it will have on your people."

"SILENCE! I will not sacrifice the souls of my people to the likes of you vile demons. You are not welcomed into my kingdom. Now remove yourself immediately."

"Oh dear King, you do not realize the mistake you've made." My father looked at me and my mother understanding our time to leave the kingdom and retreated back to ours and let out people know about the sudden outcome.

As we arrived at the village, my father called everyone to the town square for a meeting. I can feel the anger within him ready to burst. "Brothers, Sisters. The time has come for the hunt to begin." My fellow vampires gasped at the words that had came out of my father's mouth following a great deal of hushes and whispers, curious as to what transpired at the coronation. "Silence! King Gumball has broken the treaty. No longer will the humans give us their sick, criminals, nor the elderly. The time has come once again, to hunt the humans." The village fell silent for a moment followed by an eruption of cheers.
"Stupendous! I haven't hunted a human in hundreds of years"
"What a glorious day in the Nightosphere!"
"The king has made a wonderful decision"
The village agreed, tonight we hunt.

It's an hour before the hunt and I'm pacing my fathers quarters. "Father, do you believe this will be a good idea?"
"Nonsense Marshall, you are just nervous. After all, it has been a rather long time since you have hunted, but have no fear, you're one of, if not the best hunter in our village. Your stealth is that of no other and your tracking skills are even better. You make me very proud son."
"Thank you father." His kind words do nothing to ease my worry. Hunting the innocent is immoral, but nonetheless my people and I need to survive."
"Now then, it's about that time son, let us go." I follow my father out of his quarters to meet with my mother at the end of the corridor. Together, we exit our castle and into the crowd of the people ready for the hunter to begin. Darkness has fallen and so has the end of peace. As I gaze upon the beauty of the full moon my fathers voice barreled into my ears "Citizens, tonight is the end of an era. We must hunt or be hunted. The King has his people on high alert, but fails to realize the extent of our powers. We must show the king that we are not as weak as he perceives us to be.


  We left in 3 packs, lead by my father, mother, and me. My pack and I were composed of the best hunters our village could offer. Our mission; siege the castle and kill the prince. We ran through the village, stopping even the most skilled hunter until we reached the castle. I fell to the back of the pack and let the co-commander give orders and distract the guards so I can eradicate the royal blood line. "Lucine, on your right! Ambrose behind you! Demolish the enemy!" I smirk, I'm impressed at the strategic plan that Vladimir has executed, I knew the pack will be okay. I speed through the chaos vampires and humans and into the castle. I stand in the middle of the first room and wait, trying to sense the footsteps of the prince. Step..step... I found you. I speed up the stairs and into a locked room. I grab the door only for my hand to burn "AGHHH" I look up, a prayer has been etched in the door along with a liquid substance that i could only assume was holy water;

 "Burn all these evils in hell, that they may never again touch me or any other creature in the entire world."

"Hm. Nice try king, but it'll take more than a little liquid and some prayer to stop me."  with as much power as i can muster, I grab the door with both hands and pull with all my might as my hands burn like never before. "AHHHHH" I open the door, ad see the prince standing by a window, watching as his village be destroyed by the actions of his father. "Hello Prince." He shoots around, I can smell his fear in the air and I can feel his shakes from across the room. I dart to the front of him, his arms over his head in a defensive pose. "What's wrong Mr.Prince, you scared?" I show my fangs as he whimpers in fear, "p-p-please...don't hurt me." ...huh? He's, asking to live? You'd think the son of such a bold prince would have a little more of a backbone. "Hmmmm, and why should I your highness? I mean after all, I do need to eat to survive as do you humans need to. Would you rather I die?"

"N-n-n-n-no M-M-M-Marsh-sh-sh-shall"

"How do you know my name?"

"D-D-During Fathers coronation, I uh....I heard your Father talking to you...he called you Marshall. I thought it was a wondrous name.." This prince is asking for it 

"Are you mocking me prince?"

"N-N-N-N-N-NO NO. I-I WOULD NEVER, I-I-I-I truly think you are your family were marvelous" I can sense his genuineness but I have yet to let my guard down "Hm, that is, a first from the royal family. The way your father made it seem was that my people were nothing but vile creatures"

"I am not my father." This was the first time i felt the prince have a backbone, he stood of up straight and looked me in the eye as spoke to me. 

"My apologies prince, so what makes you unlike your father your highness"

"My father, has much disdain for your people. Steaming from the fear that you might attack any day. In the months before his coronation he began training, preparing the citizens who have the same feeling of disdain and who volunteered to be apart of his army. I attempted to talk him out of it, the treaty we had kept peace between us two and saved many lives from being lost in the name of fests, but my father asked me if I was defending your people. Asking if I wanted to be one of you." I noticed his fist clench and he bow his head "he told me to stop being a pansy and fight for his people. I was not worthy of a royal title if I was to go against his plan to protect our people." He relaxed, stood up straight and looked me in the eye

"I am nothing like my father."

Year: 2020



"Goodness Marshall I've been calling your name for like 10 minutes.  Gumball wants you to finish the statistics before the meeting at two o'clock."

"Oh. Yeah, yeah they'll be done by then. Thanks."

"Man, where was your head at dude?

"Hm. just thinking back at some memories of someone."

"You're so weird dude." As Julian goes back to his cubical, I ponder at the thoughts that just left me. "I miss you Gumball, but I'm almost'll remember me soon enough" 

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