Wake up call

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Year: 2020
the rebirth of a soul in a new body.
•dé·jà vu
ˌdāZHä ˈvo/Submit
a feeling of having already experienced the present situation.

Many in the human world believe that when you or someone you love dies you are cast upon a great being. Whether that being is God, Buddha, Allāh, whoever, this is what humans believe. In a way they are right but what humans don't know is that these almighty entities also have the power to reincarnate a soul they deem worthy of a second, third, or fourth chance. The result is unlimited. Now while many humans become reincarnated many do not remember much/if at all of their past lives, that's where the term deja vu steams from.
In life if you say a certain phrase that you've never said before but it seems like you have or, read a certain book only for it to seem like you've already read the book, or ran into someone that looks familiar even though you've never met this person, chances are in a past life you said that phrase, you read that book, or you met that person. Life is a circle and while minor moments and aspects of life chance the circle will always come to a close.

Alas, then there's me. Or should I say my kind. Vampires live for thousands and thousands of years on end without a chance of dying from natural causes. We're cursed to walk the earth endlessly adapting to our environment every step of the way. Many of my kind have gone into hiding since the olden days, attempting to fit into human society and live as normal lives as we possibly can while being ever lasting beings. While many fear the essence of death, we vampires have little fear and while many would dream to have the anxiety of the end lifted off their shoulders not many will think about the consequences of everlasting life.

For some, they are forced to leave their families for decades, in fear of being outed for who we really are. Others must restrain the instinct to hunt our prey and must feed in silence. And then there are the few, such as myself, who have broken one of the many taboos of the vampire code.

Falling in love with a human.

I know that's very mundane, but to be in love while being undead is a feeling I don't wish upon my worst enemy. I have seen the one I love die before me three separate time, and each time after I search the earth to find him in a new form. Each time I try and get him to remember the love we once had in his past life.

Which brings me to how and why I'm here here at AAA Candy INC. filling in as a high end business assistant to CEO Charles Gumball. Now, don't get me wrong, taking orders from a lowlife human makes my blood boil, but when it's for someone you love you'll do what you hate. It's almost 2 so I guess I should make my way to the conference room. As usual, I'm the first one to arrive. If there's on thing I hate, it's humans lack of urgency in important situations.
"Ah Marshall, early as usual."
"Why wouldn't I be your highness"
"Marshall. How many times have I told you not to call me that." Oh how I love when my little prince gets annoyed. "Oh but of course your CEO jr majesty" I'm the only one allowed to tease, or should I say, get away with comments like this. Anyone else would be fired on the spot, the Gumballs are hard cookies to break. "Do you have those statistics father wanted you to finish"
"Pft, do you know who you're talking to?" I slide the folder with leading statistics of rival candy companies, none of which even compare to the type of progress we make in a year. "Mhm, mhm excellent. We're doing very well this year! Our sales are up 39% from last year how stupendous! Father will be very pleased with this!"
"Hmmmm I don't hear a 'thank you Marshall for the WONDERFUL advertising idea you told us last month that made our sales go through the roof' now so I ?" I can see the little vein in Gumballs forehead throb at my smart comment. "Father will be in shortly and he can thank you himself." Gumball sits in his assigned chair next to his father, fuming like a child who didn't get the toy they wanted at the store. How cute my prince.

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