
55 2 0

Year 2020
the power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events.

I finally decide to stop my pity party and begin working on the slide show for the upcoming agreement between us and KinderEgg INC. The king-or should I say CEO-is extremely adamant about sealing this deal, by doing this we're making our first attempt to dominate the glob internationally and for Mr. CEO that means more control.
You see, Charles in all his past forms has always wanted control. He's a power hungry maniac that cares for nothing more than to be on top, but that attitude always leads to his downfall.

Then, there's Barnaby, he does whatever he can to please his father no matter what the convoluted situation is. He's kind, thoughtful, caring, he's a people-pleaser and he does a damn good job of it. But alas, Gumball will rarely even give me a second glance in this reincarnation, this is the hardest and longest time I've had to take to make Gumball remember me. Then again, I barely get to see the beautiful creature that I call my soul mate, his arrogant father insists Barnaby follow his every move so when the time comes to inherit the business.

"Marshall, I believe you do understand what this business agreement means for our company" with just me and Gumball in the conference room, MR. CEO has his face buried in my estimate reports.
"Why of course I do Mr. Gumball, isn't that why I'm tagging along with Barnaby"
"You're not tagging along Marshall. You're simply aiding me in convincing the men of Kinder to merge with us" I love when the vein in my little Gumballs forehead begins to throb "that's enough you two, yes Marshall I do request you go with Gumball to the meeting. Son," CEO Charles shifted in his seat towards Gumball "now while I have complete faith in what your abilities are capable of, Marshall is very convincing and one of the best workers we have here. With him by your side selling our products there's no doubt in my mind that Kinder won't merge with us." I look over to Gumball, there goes that little vein in his forehead throb from annoyance at the fact I'll be talk to the higher ups "of course father, Marshall is just a wonderful worker" Gumball said through clutched teeth, good Lord he's so cute when he's mad. "Wonderfully Barnaby! Now, please get all the paperwork ready, you boys will be leaving soon!" Bubba left out of the office without an other word, I thanked Mr. Charles and gathered my bags that rested under my desk in my cubical. I'm ecstatic for this company trip, it will just be me and Gumball and I will finally be able to make a move on the pretentious love of my life. This day could not go by faster.

The work days ends with nothing very interesting happening. Gumball finds me after everyone in the building leaves and we head to my car to start this 3 hour journey to the next two towns over.  "Don't make a fool of yourself Marshall, this business meeting is extremely important and your arrogance, Or what everyone else calls "charm", will only take you so far!"
"Bubba. That stick that's inserted 9 inches deep in your ass, please remove it. We're going to be just fine" I saw his soft natural pink color turn fiery red as he started stuttering like a mad man "W-WHAT A-A-ARE YOU IM-IM-IMPLYING MARSHALL LEE THAT I AM A HOMOSEXUAL?!"
"Uh, no? I am implying that you're extremely up tight and you need to relax?" The red turned from a grey to embarrassment, god I could just eat him up right here. He's making this so hard on not only my heart but my genitals as well. A man can only hold back so much. "Haha, relax Gumball, well have a drink or two once we get back to the hotel. Jeez, your old man has you pretty wired up doesn't he" we finished putting our bags in my black Audi and enter the sleek vehicles leather seats as Gumball sighed out the rest of his embarrassment, "it's just, my father wants to hand me this company but has no faith in my ability to run it. You're an amazing worker Marshall, I give that to you. You're incredibly smart in your field, and while I do get annoyed by it, you have a killer charm." Gumball sighs again as I'm existing the parking lot "I know we don't talk much Marshall, but most days I honestly feel as though you'd be better off running this company than I would." As I'm at rest at the first stop light, I place my hand gently on Gumballs left thigh "Barnaby. In all honesty while I do appreciate the kind words you've offered me, you will do a wonderful job running this company. You have a bond with your employees that I will never have, I mean I do hate people, you have such patience and such a warm embrace that attracts your clients as well as the people you work around. You're critical thinking skills are superb and your ability to think out of the box is wonderful. You running the company will do nothing but bring us up." With eyes locked on the road in route to our destination, I felt Gumball soft hand on top of mine. "Thank you for those words Marshall." Hand still on top of mine, I looked over to see Gumball laying his head against the seat, eyes closed and a soft smile across his face as he began to fall asleep. I hope this trip brings more out than just a company agreement.

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