Chappy 2- I've seen him around before

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Vanessa P.O.V

I walked into my second period class not really paying attention to who was in there until I heard a very familiar voice. My friend Jenna was yelling and motioning for me to sit with her, I didn't notice until I sat down that there was a boy sitting with her. I kinda knew him but never really talked to him before, I think his name is John or something like that but I don't think I am entirely sure.

I sat down and noticed that he was looking at me. Was there something on my face? Even as he stared at me I couldn't help that but notice he was kinda cute. With his hair pushed off to the side, kinda like how Justin Bieber had his, but this boy made it look really cute.

 "So Vanessa you know Jorge right?", I heard Jenna ask me. Thank goodness, I am finally able to do something besides just sit here and stare at the boy. "Yeah I believe so. I've seen him around before, but I don't think I ever really talked to him" I said shyly, not really knowing what to say. Thankfully Jenna started off on band camp. "Ya know just thinking about band camp makes my feet hurt", Jenna said making faces like she was in pain. I laughed a little at this. Before anybody could say anything else I heard another voice behind me. This time the voice was yelling for Jenna and not me. 

"JENNA!!!!!! MY DAWG!!!!! MY HOME SKILLET BISCUIT!!!!!" Renae had basically screamed when she walked into the class. She was putting her stuff down in the seat next to mine. This startled all three of us sitting at the desk, who new someone so small could have such a big voice. Jenna was the first to recover from it, and yelled back "RENAE!! I MISSED YOU OVER THE SUMMER GIRL!!!" 

Who knew that two people could be so loud. I looked up and realized that to upper class-men  on the other side of the room had given our little group some dirty looks.  Well this should be interesting. 

"Hey Jorge, hey Vanessa" Renae said, not even caring about lowering down her voice.  After her hellos, Jenna went back to talking about band camp. She did most of the explaining, I only chipped in with my agreement on some things.  

I noticed that Jorge hasn't said anything to any of us, he's just sat there looking around. I've caught him a few times looking at me. I don't think he's noticed but, a couple times I was looking back at him.  

It was like I was entranced or something, I stopped listening to Jenna talking and could only stare at the boy sitting next to Jenna. It was only when Mr. General Sergeant came on on over the inter-come that I was finally conjured out of my trance. "Good morning students!" he said in his high voice, it even squeaked a little, "I hope y'all all had a wonderful summer. But we are all happy  to be back here at school for another wonderful year. Now its time to stand for the Pledge Of Allegiance." 

We all stood and said the pledge before sitting back down again. When we where standing I noticed that Jorge was a little taller than me.  Why do I have to be so short! Why cant I be tall like Jenna?! 

The teacher  wasted no time into getting us started in our first lesson.   

The class went by faster then I thought it would, then again this is just the first day so of course it's going to feel like it's going by quickly. The bell rang and we said our goodbyes to Jenna who went out the opposite direction I was heading.  

So that left me to walk with Renae and Jorge. I felt so nervous, because he was so cute, and looked like a lost little puppy while trying to find his next class. Renae was striking a conversation with Jorge, oh how I wish that was me. *Side note yo: Any Directioners out there!? Let Renae know in the comments.*

We had walked half way across the school before we found our classes. Sadly we exchanged goodbyes and went on our ways. I couldn't help but want to walk in with him, and pretend to be lost just to spend a few more seconds with him.  What the heck is wrong with me?! I've only just met the boy, we haven't even talked that much and I already feel like this....? 

I couldn't stop thinking about his cute goofy smile, even when class was going on. I couldn't forget the way he looked at me, and how it made my heart skip a couple beats. It just made me wonder, did he feel the same?

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