Chappy 1- Oh Hai

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Side note yo: Jenna and Jorge are good friends, Renae and Vanessa are good friends. Vanessa and Renae don't know Jorge. Basically this is the first day of High School, smh Freshman.

Jorge's P.O.V

Tall crowds, elbows in the face, and waaaay to much fragrances. I hope I have my home dawgs in the same classes. High School is way different than Middle School. Onto first period then. First period. Well what can I say I know some of the freshmen that are in the class but, I've never really talked to them. 

Well looks like first period is gonna be a bummer. I thought. But as soon as the bell was about to ring I seen a familiar face waltz in. Jenna. You would think that girl would at least be in class early on the first day of school but naw not this girl. Either late or right before the bell. I don't believe there is a time I've ever seen her to class with out running late or right before the bell. 

"Jenna!!!! How you doin gurl!!!!", I think I may have startled Jenna because her eyes be buggin out of that head of hers as she took the seat at the computer next to mine. "Well this class isn't a total lost. At least I have you Jorgy" she replied as she got settled in to the chair, turning on the computer.

Our first class Info to Technology with Mrs. Teacher Lady. So basically we sit here and play on the computers. Ha you think that's what we do. But no Mrs. Teacher Lady has us getting ready for college more than anything.  

" Alright now, this first week is going to be easy. I'm just going to get y'all set up G-Metrix and you can start study for you Mid-Terms. We are starting with Word because I think it's better to start out with the harder part then the easy. Dont'cha think ?" she asked the class. We all mumbled our agreements, as she instructed us on how to download G-Metrix.

 Already studying for mid-terms. This test must be pretty damn hard then, I wonder what Jenna must think about that. I thought as i turned around to ask her only to find her texting away. " Really Jenna?! On the first day?!". She snapped her head up at me, with a smile like she was innocent, which we all know she isn't, "Oh I don't know what you are talking about Jorgy" she said as innocent as possible before sliding her phone into her back pocket. " So Jorgy how was your summer? Do anything fun?" she asked.

"Meh it was okay I guess I didn't do much besides sleep, wrestled with my brothers, and play pokemanz you?", I replied following the instructions as Mrs. Teacher Lady had said to do. But of course I messed something up and was about to raise my hand for help when Jenna reached over got the program to download. Of course this girl would be able to listen and play on her phone, I thought with a slight shake of my head. "Here Jorge let me help you haha, and my summer was good I didn't do much besides work with my momma and play league." she said getting back to her own computer. 

"Your mom owns a drive thru right? Isn't that little blue one right down from the Tex-Mex?" *Side note yo: Tex-Mex is a little Mexican version of Handy.*

"Yup! Basically spent every day there with my baby", she smiled broadly and started to laugh. 

"Your baby?'' I asked, all kinds of confused my curiosity kicking in. 

"My computer you derp! You know, my life? It holds everything on it!", she explained with that goofy smile on her face. "Oh" I said still a little confused. "But any who" she continued, " Whats your next class?" 

I pulled out my schedule i just got received that morning in the gym "Looks like I got Geometry with Mr. Teacher Dood" 

"Oh cool me too!" With that said, the class period went by pretty slow. I had to get Jenna to help me some more in setting up the G-Metrix account. Right when we were getting ready to leave, Mrs. Teacher Lady started saying,"Okay tomorrow we will continue with setting up and downloading the G-Metrix system. For those of you that already have done it all, you can work on the writing prompt. These writing prompts have to be 100 words or more got it? If not I can't give you full credit for it". That was the last thing she said before the bell had rung and everybody in class packed up their stuff and started to walk out. As the kids walked off to find their second period class, I walked with Jenna to Mr. Teacher Dood's class.

In second period I notice there wasn't very many people that I knew here as well. I sighed inwardly are all my classes going to be like this? It isn't like Jenna is bad to have around but still.  

In class the tables where in groups of four, Jenna was already throwing her stuff down and getting settled into the group closest to the door. Alrighty! I guess this means we are sitting here.

 "Aye Jenna, me and you? Dream team?", I asked her putting my stuff in the seat next to hers. Jenna gave me the 'Da Fug?' face but agreed. Who will be the next two victims. As soon as i got situated I as fixing to ask Jenna something but then she walked in. 

 I just stared at her. I couldn't take my eyes off her, she was the only thing I could see. It was like the world melted away and it was just me and her. She was a little shorter than me, kinda chubby, but still pretty, and long, wavy, beautiful black hair that was left down. I snapped out of it when I heard Jenna telling her to sit down with us. My heart starting skipping beats, and I didn't know why. 

Was it cause this pretty girl that I didn't know, but I'm sure I've seen her around before, was sitting with us? I could tell by how Jenna was just talking away with her that she knew her. But I wanted to know her. "So Vanessa you know Jorge right?". Vanessa, I liked that name. I like the girl with that name; they both were very pretty. "Yeah I believe so. I seen him around in middle school, but I don't think I ever really talked to him" she said kinda shyly. 

It was cute. My heart started beating faster, I thought it might jump right out my chest. I was so nervous I could barely manage a small "Hey" before digging around in my backpack trying to look busy as they talked.  

"JENNA!!!!! MY DAWG!!! HOME SKILLET BISCUIT!!!!!", someone had yelled from the door. I looked up to see my friend Renae walking in with all her shortness. She was another girl I didn't talk to much, but I knew her a little from middle school. "RENAE!!! I MISSED YOU OVER THE SUMMER GIRL!!!" Jenna basically yelled back, I could tell she was excited to see her.  

"Hey Jorge, hey Vanessa" Renae said as she sat down at our table as well. I was a little shocked, even Renae knows her and I don't. Jenna and Vanessa went off talking about band camp.    

OH! So that's how they know each other; band. I was curious to ask about she played but as soon as I went to ask the bell rang, and Mr. General Sergeant came over the inter-come saying, "Good morning students I hope y'all had a wonderful summer. But we are all happy to be back here at school for another wonderful year. Now its time to stand for the Pledge Of Allegiance".

Once we all sat back down the teacher wasted no time getting right into the lesson about conditional statements. I didn't have time to talk to Vanessa, for the rest of the class until we were packing up which was like 10 seconds before the bell. But of course Jenna had to start talking to her. Thanks Jenna. As we got packed up and the bell rang, her and Jenna said their goodbyes and Jenna went the other direction down the the hall leaving Renae, Vanessa, and I to walk the other way.  

I was so nervous to talk to her. I didn't know what to say. " So Vanessa you play the clarinet right?" Renae asked her Thank you Renae for saving me the trouble!  

" Yeah I do, I've been playing since 6th grade" 

"That's pretty cool I wish I could play an instrument" Renae grumbled. "Yeah that's pretty cool that you play the clarient. I use to play in elementary, but I quit in middle school" I said really fast and nervously. 

Vanessa looked up at me and gave my a shy smile. My heart skipped two beats. I smiled back not knowing what to say. 

But before long I had reached my next class and watched as Vanessa and Renae continued walking down the hallway talking. As they walked my heart skipped beats and fluttered in my chest. It was almost like I didn't want her to leave.

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