Chappy 4- These little childern

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Jorge's POV

It had only taken me a few days to get used to my classes. I could tell that other kids where still having trouble with them. All my classes were pretty easy, well to me at least. The only class I had trouble with was Geometry. Because she was in that class. Everyday I get to see her pretty face light up as she walks in to class. Like she did today. Only having sat down, Vanessa and Jenna are already into a conversation.

After a while I got tired of sitting there listening to them when I decided to jump into the conversation "What?! Whachu talking about Willis?!"

They both stopped talking and looked at me with surprised expressions before bursting into laughter. "My God Jorge whats wrong with you?" said Jenna as her laughter calmed down. Though Vanessa was still laughing almost falling out her chair. "And you Vanessa?" Which we all started laughing because Vanessa's giggles were just so contagious.

"What y'all laughing at derps?" asked Renae suspiciously narrowing her eyes at all of us. It was Jenna to respond first, "All the ways we can come up with, so we can steal the souls of little children", she said it sickly sweet, even batting her eyes lashes to look innocent. Renae eyes widen in mock terror "Oh I believe I need to move to another group... I don't feel safe here, because I am the most child-like out of the four of us."

Jenna gave her an evil look "Well we weren't even considering you but now that you have brought it to our attention we'll be sure to look over everything, before we take our first victim."

That's when Vanessa started again with the laughter. I swear it sounded right from Heaven itself, it made my heart start to race faster. I noticed that I got a glance from Jenna. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Whachu looking at Jenna?! HUH? Looking for a fight?"

She smiled and waved her hands in mock surrender at me , "Oh no Jorgy. I couldn't possibly hit a little boy."

"OHHHHH! Jorge she just called you little! Get her! Throw hands!" Renae instigated from her desk. With that said, Vanessa and her just started to laugh again.

"Mhm! Better watch out Jeennnah! I'm watching you" I said stretching out her name making it sound like "Gina". Her eyes narrowed, and her mouth pinched together. We stared at each other to see who was going to break first. I was the first to break from the stare down, I couldn't help it! I just started laughing at that face, she looked like she walked into some stanky poo.

But she kept it up and just kept staring at me like that. It made me laugh even harder. "That face though Jenna!" Vanessa gasped out in between laughs. Jenna finally broke and started laughing too.

Our table sounded like a bunch of hyenas.

"Alright everyone calm down and do your bell-work!" said Mr. Teacher Dood, though he clearly meant our table, because we were the loudest.

We tried to stop laughing, key word being tried.

By the time the teacher came around to check bell-work, I realized that I didn't do it. Crap! "Any of y'all do the bell-work?" I asked hurriedly as the teacher came closer to our group. None of them had enough time to answer before he got there. "Good job Jenna, Nicely done Renae, Excellent Vanessa. Jorge?" he asked raising his eyebrows. "Where's your bell-work?" "Ummm." I said not looking at him.

"Oh I'm sorry sir I asked Jorge to help me with the bell-work and he took the entire time to explain it. He wasn't able to get to do his own bell-work." I heard Vanessa tell the teacher. He looked to her over his glasses. "Really now?"

"Yes sir, even me and Jenna had to help explain it. We barely got our work done." Added Renae along with Jenna nodding her head agreeing. The teacher looked at us suspiciously before checking off whatever was on his clip board and walked off to the next group.

I looked at Vanessa with wide eyes. She just lied for me?! "You just lied for me?" "Yeah haha" she blushed a little. Gosh she was so cute. "Well we all did technically so you owe all of us" Jenna said not looking up from her phone.

"That technology though Jenna!!" Renae said quiet loudly, enough to get strange looks from other kids in the class; Jenna scowled at her. "But yeah, we can't have you getting into trouble for not doing work then getting moved across the room. What fun would that be?" she added more quietly so the whole class didn't hear her this time.

"Thanks guys" I was happy that they got me out of being in trouble for not doing the work. But what really made me happy was the fact that Vanessa was the first to step in. I don't think these two would have done anything if she hadn't said something. Maybe Renae would've done something considering that she backed up Vanessa, Jenna would've just sat there waiting for me to get reprimanded instead of helping. Note to self, trust Vanessa and Renae as back-up.

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