Just as Follo and his men were tying Catwoman to the stake. Catwoman opened her eyes and was face to face with Frollo. As he moved closer to her she hissed at him in disgust. But Frollo ignored her and spoked " The time has come, gypsy. You stand upon the brink of the abyss. Yet even now it is not too late. I can save you from the flames of this world, and the next. Choose me, or the fire!"Catwoman answered "I will NEVER pick you. I love Quasimodo!" An just before Frollo turned around to face the guards to read the piece of paper. To sentence her death. She tilted her head backwards and spitted in Frollo's face.
Mean while back in the bell tower...
Quasimodo and Ziva were trying to get out of the locked room in the tower. "It's all my fault!" Said Quasimodo. Ziva stopped trying to burst the door down for a moment. Quasi sighed and went to look out the window. Just when he was bout to hit rock bottom Ziva spoked up."For the justice of the realm and for the salvation of Paris, it is my sacred duty to send this unholy demon back to where she belongs!"

Unexpected Love
FanfictionInspired by one of my favorite artists Ramin Karimloo's song Cathedral (from the Album Song Of The Human Heart)! "In the shadows of tall building Of fallen angels on the ceilings Oily feathers in bronze and concrete Faded colors, pieces left incompl...