Bells and Gymnastics

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~Quasimodo's POV~

..... Ding .......ding ......ding...... Rang the bells of Notre Dame...... Dong .......dong ......dong......

Quasi did acrobats tricks to the floor. He went to check on Catwoman who spent the night.

Even though she was strange yet beautiful and mysterious it felt good to have company beside his Master all the time.

"Ohhh" Quasi jumped out of his thoughts "you okay?" I asked as I helped her other feet. "Yeah .... Just bumped my head that's all!" Catwoman replied rubbing it.

"I saw do those acrobatic moves would you like to see mine?" She asked "uh sure." I replied.... With a *sigh* she spranged up on and moved around shocking to a form of movements of a cat.

Just when I thought she left me I was about to be disappointment on trying to become friends. However, I felt someone tackle me to the ground I looked to find her giggling and smirking playfully at me. Catwoman: "Meow."

That's when we were interupted by a ring sound and it startled me. Catwoman helped me up and took a device and answered it. "Hello?" She asked.

"Hey Agent Phillips how's Paris,France treating you?" " she walked and snapped replaying " Anthony Dinozzo will you quit calling me every dang hour on my days off!" " besides I'am busy " the I heard multiple voices ".....hey let me talk to her..... No me.... *ouch* Boss come on was that slapp necessary on us?" "Yup! Hey....Patience Phillips got a minute?" "Sure Gibbs!" "We need you to check on Ziva for us she should be arriving in Paris about now." HE said I groaned "whose that with you?"

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