Author note: forgot to put i used a quote from the second movie my bad!
After resting Catwoman got up and looked around the belle tower, "So this is the Belle Tower but where is the Belle Ringer?" she asked herself " I would love to meet him I love bells!"Meanwhile behind a curtain Laverne: [ Hugo, and Victor try to encourage Quasi to see Catwoman] "Get out there, sweetie!" Quasimodo: [whispering sqeakily] " I-I-I can't! What might I say?" Victor: "Open your mouth! Something will come out! " [Quasi stutters squeakily] Hugo: "Nothing came out." Then they pushed him out.
Catwoman: [as she searches for Quasi in the bell tower] "Are - are you... hiding from me? "[she looks up to see Quasi hiding under one of the bells, then giggles] Quasimodo: [rudely but relunctantly]"No. What's so funny?" Catwoman "Nothing, it's just - it's looks like you're wearing a really big hat."[giggles again] Catwoman "Oh, that - that sounds silly, doesn't it?" she asked as she fiddled with her whip nervously. Quasimodo: "No, I've just never looked at it that way before. " [chuckles]
Quasimodo's POV
Catwoman : "Yes, it's a - it's a brass beret." [Quasi uncovers himself to see her for the first time]
Catwoman ": A - a two ton topper."Quasimodo: [laughs as he rings the bell he's hiding under, then uncovers himself again] A cha - peau in C-sharp! [he and Catwoman laugh] "Can I see you?" the woman asked. He reluctantly came out but instead of running she smiled warmly and removed her claw glove and held out her hand and I took it and greeted her with a warm smile.
" Who are you?" I asked but before she could answer I heard Frollo coming that's when I witnessed something scary she hissed toward the door while I grabbed her hand and hid her in the closet.
"Stay here!" I whispered she nodded while leaving a crack of the door open to see what would happen between me and Frollo aka Master Frollo!

Unexpected Love
FanfictionInspired by one of my favorite artists Ramin Karimloo's song Cathedral (from the Album Song Of The Human Heart)! "In the shadows of tall building Of fallen angels on the ceilings Oily feathers in bronze and concrete Faded colors, pieces left incompl...