Authors note: later on she will be described as a gypsy by Frollo FYI ! Hi My name is Patience and this is how I had become Catwoman!
One summer night I was Lying lifeless and washed ashore, my name is Patience. At first I didn't know how I was brought back to life but some how I was by a mysterious cat that I saw earlier; however, with this resurrection, she started developing unusual abilities similar to that of a cat, with her behavior becoming more cat-like. With the help of a researcher named Ophelia Powers, Phillips understands that she is becoming a "catwoman", a warrior with the force of a cat, who prowls at night in the search for justice. Wearing a mask to disguise her identity, she takes to the streets as Catwoman, seeking the answer from those who have killed her and needs to why.
Eventually, she discovers that her killer was Laurel Hedare, the wife of the cosmetic company's owner and a primary user of its beauty products, that is responsible for killing Patience. Though unable to hurt Laurel due to her constant use of the skin cream turning her skin into "living marble", Patience did manage to mar her face before she fell to her death by being thrown out of a window and seeing her reflection prior to falling.
Thankfully, I was cleared of any charges made against her of murder by the police, the best part was that I can continue on to live outside the law enjoying the freedom she now has as the mysterious Catwoman. And Now I'am off to paris hopefully to fall in love.
It was a clear spring evening in Paris, France Catwoman sighed as she breathed in the fresh air.That's when I saw a puppeteer speaking to the children. I stealthy crawled closer into the shadows to listen to him. "Hello, everyone my name is Clopin Trouillefou!" Then Clopin continued "THE BELLS OF DAME DAME" Listen, they're beautiful, no?
So many colors of sound, so many changing moods ......Because you know, they don't ring all by themselves...
Clopin puppet: They don't? Clopin: No, silly boy. Up there, high, high in the dark bell tower lives the mysterious bell ringer. Who is this creature? Clopin puppet: Who? Clopin: What is he? Clopin puppet: What? Clopin: How did he come to be there? Clopin puppet: How? Clopin: Hush... (bonks puppet on the head) Clopin puppet: Ow! (Catwoman couldn't help but giggle along with the crowd.) Clopin: and Clopin will tell you. It is a tale, a tale of a man and a monster!Clopin: Dark was the night when our tale was begun On the docks near Notre Dame Quasimodo's father: Shut it up, will you! Male Gypsy: We'll be spotted! Quasimodo's mother: Hush, little one. Clopin: Four frightened gypsies slid silently under The docks near Notre Dame Barge Driver: Four guilders for safe passage into Paris Clopin: But a trap had been laid for the gypsies And they gazed up in fear and alarm At a figure whose clutches Were iron as much as the bells
Quasimodo's father: *in alarm* Judge Claude Frollo! Clopin: The bells of Notre DameChorus: Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy) Clopin: Judge Claude Frollo longed to purge the world of vice and sin
Chorus: Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy) Clopin: And he saw corruption everywhere, except within Frollo: (speaking) Bring these gypsy vermin to the palace of justice.Guard: You there, what are you hiding? Frollo: Stolen goods, no doubt. Take them from her Clopin: (speaking) She ran.
Chorus: Dies irae, dies illa (Day of wrath, that day) Solvet saeclum in favilla (Shall consume the world in ashes)
Teste David cum sibylla (As prophesied by David and the sibyl) Quantus tremor est futurus (What trembling is to be)
Quando Judex est venturus (When the Judge is come) Quasimodo's mother: Sanctuary, please give us sanctuary!
Catwoman closed her eyes knowning now the woman's fate was death just like hers then she heard the puppeteer continue ..... Frollo: A baby? *gasps in horror* A monster! Clopin and Archdeacon: Stop! Clopin: Cried the Archdeacon
Frollo: This is an unholy demon. I'm sending it back to Hell, where it belongs. (For a few moments catwoman shed tears for the boys mother int the shadows.)
Archdeacon: (singing) See there the innocent blood you have spilt On the steps of Notre Dame Frollo: (speaking) I am guiltless. She ran, I pursued. Archdeacon: Now you would add this child's blood to your guilt On the steps of Notre Dame? Frollo: (speaking) My conscience is clear Archdeacon: You can lie to yourself and your minions You can claim that you haven't a qualm But you never can run from nor hide what you've done from the eyes
The very eyes of Notre DameChorus: Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy) Clopin: And for one time in his life Of power and control Chorus: Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy) Clopin: Frollo felt a twinge of fear For his immortal soul Frollo: What must I do? Archdeacon: (speaking) Care for the child, and raise it as your own Frollo: What? I'm to be settled with this misshapen...?
Very well. Let him live with you, in your church. Archdeacon: Live here? Where?Frollo: Anywhere (singing) Just so he's kept locked away where no one else can see (speaking) The bell tower, perhaps, and who knows, our Lord works in mysterious ways (singing resumes) Even this foul creature may Yet prove one day to be Of use to me
Clopin: And Frollo gave the child a cruel name A name that means half-formed: Quasimodo Now here is a riddle to guess if you can Sing the bells of Notre Dame Who is the monster and who is the man? Clopin and Chorus: Sing the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells Bells of Notre Dame! Catwoman walked up Clopin after the citizens have left. "excuse me Mister Puppeteer" she purred making Clopin jump from being startled since he was closing up his shop.
Clopin "Good evening madame man you almost gave me a heart attack!" She smirked and nodded. "What brings you here to see Clopin Trouillefou?" "I'am a tourist here from the Americas, I heard the story of the man you were talkin about to the people that just left...." Clopin Trouillefou "Ah you mean the bell ringer Quasimodo? What business does a nice lady want to do with a bell ringer?"
"I want to meet him but I don't know the way to Notre Dame." Clopin Trouillefou bursts out laughing "why didn't ya say so...." "What's your name young lady first?" I replied "I am Catwoman" "let me give you a quick tour for a fine lady then so you can meet the bell ringer!" "Thank you Mr.Trouillefou"

Unexpected Love
FanfictionInspired by one of my favorite artists Ramin Karimloo's song Cathedral (from the Album Song Of The Human Heart)! "In the shadows of tall building Of fallen angels on the ceilings Oily feathers in bronze and concrete Faded colors, pieces left incompl...