Chapter 4

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Welp, here's chapter 4! I recently got a new phone because my old one finally bit the dust. So most of the story that was in my notes was deleted 😓, sorry about that. So now I'm basically free-writing the rest of this story. Hope you guys like it!!!
The first few days had gone by without a hitch. Yugi kept his promise and helped clean around the house. It took him only a few minutes to realized that Yami had severe OCD when it came to cleaning each and every room. It was almost frightening how many times he'd went over and over the same spot with a mop. After each cleaning session, Yugi would have to work kinks out of his muscles because of scrubbing too long. He didn't mind though, Yami was giving him a place to stay; It was the least he could do after being so rude to the man when they first met.

Cooking had been, to say the least, terrifying. Handling the stove was like a calculus problem, Yugi just couldn't figure the cooking machine out. The first night cooking, he had almost set the entire house on fire. Yami had rushed in with a fire extinguisher and saved the two of them. After wards he had questioned if the teen ever cooked before. He had said no, but after a long, detailed explanation on the workings of the stove from Yami, Yugi actually cooked without almost killing the two of them.

The bittersweet feelings of success didn't last very long. As soon he had laid down to sleep that night, he started to replay everything that had happened. Was Yami still mad at him? Was he even mad at him? Did he deserve such hospitality if he wasn't? It made Yugi want to rip his hair out. So, he had quietly gotten up and went to Yami's room. He knocked and the man opened the door sleepily.

"What is it?"

His felt his face heated up and chest constrict, "Are you still mad from the whole kitchen fiasco?"

Yami blinked at him, "I was never mad Yugi, you're trying your best so don't beat yourself up over it."

That had been enough to satiate his nerves. Yugi had went back to bed that night a little less anxious.

Monday of the next week though, had felt like it was dragging itself on and on. Yami had gone to work early to help prepare for the afternoon shift; He left Yugi with a few chores to do before he got back to finish up, but for some reason the teen had been drained of energy the entire day. Every task he had to do felt like a fight that he was losing. Hell, even getting out of bed that morning was a struggle, he just couldn't do it. 

After awhile he actually got up and pushed through most of his chores. They took even more time to do because Yugi simply couldn't get into it, he was tired but not in the sleepy kind of way. He actually had to sit down because standing became too much of a struggle...something wasn't right with him. Covering his eyes with one of his hands, Yugi leaned forward in his seat. The coolness of the kitchen table sent goosebumps up his arm as he stabilized himself. "Why do I feel like this?" He asks himself.

After sitting for a few minutes lost in thought, the front door opens, making Yugi look up slowly. Yami had just removed his coat when he looked up to meet tired amethyst eyes. He frowned and kicked his shoes off before stepping into the doorway of the kitchen.

"What's going on Yugi? You look tired."

Looking down from the mans gaze, Yugi sighs and rubs his forehead, "I don't know...I've just felt so...drained today." He speaks in drawled out sentences.

"I don't see how, I didn't give you very many chores to do, did you sleep okay last night?"

"I did, but when I woke up this morning, it was like I couldn't even get out of bed. It was like I was paralyzed."

Yami, who took in everything Yugi said, finally understood. It was a wonder the teen hadn't gone through it earlier on when he got out of the hospital. "Yugi?"

"Yeah?" The teen asked head in his hands.

"Could it be that you're depressed?" Yami's inquisition made Yugi snap his head up in thought. It would make a lot of sense...He'd been feeling detached, not very sad but still feeling hopeless. Of course, it couldn't be for sure unless he was medically diagnosed, but it was a start.

Looking to Yami, Yugi said this out loud followed by, "I probably need to see a psychiatrist...I just don't know how I'd go about finding one."

"I know somebody." Was Yami's response.

"You do?"

"Yeah, my friends husband Jounouchi Katsuya, he's pretty good at what he does from the times I've went to see him."

"You go to a psychiatrist?"

Yami's face turned an interesting shade of red and he turned away from the teen, "Well, Yeah. As you've probably already picked up, I have severe OCD. I obsess over the smallest things to a point where it can sometimes send me into panic attacks. Jou does a really good job of helping me deal with it day to day. If you want to, and it's completely up to you, I could give him a call and you guys could have a face to face session."

Yugi stared at the man before him and a small smile appeared on his pale, chapped lips, "Would you really do that for me?"

"Yugi, it's about helping you deal with a mental illness that could possibly physically hurt you if you don't get help; Of course I'd do that for you. We're friends right?" Yami asked, a little hurt.

"Yes, I'm sorry for doubting you." He apologized.

"Don't worry about it. I'll get dinner started, you take a breather for a while okay? I'll finish up the chores when I'm done then I'll call Jou."

Yugi nodded and left the kitchen to go to the living room. He sat down on one of the leather chairs and sighed. Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't have to feel like this anymore. It'd be nice, he thought.
Oh god, am I really sorry about not updating sooner. Like I said before, most of the story got deleted and now I'm free writing it all again based on memory. I'm hoping that I'll be as good as it was when it was in my notes. Eh, guess we'll find out. See ya soon guys, hope you liked the chapter.

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