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He woke up to the sound of sirens and panicked screaming. Peter slowly opened his eyes, the pounding in his head was unbearable and all he wanted to do was go back to sleep— "PETER! Wake up, dammit!" Someone slapped him across the face and he suddenly shot up to see Kai and MJ standing above him. Kai sighed in relief, letting her head hang a bit. "Oh, thank God you're not dead."

"No, I'm fine—" Things suddenly began to come back to him. Ned, Alexandra—Doc Ock.  "Alex!" He suddenly exclaimed, getting to his feet as quickly as he could. That had been a mistake, he swayed a bit on his feet and it took both Kai and MJ to steady him.

"Calm down!" Kai said. "Peter, what the hell is going on? Why did that guy take Alex? Wasn't he the guy on the news? Why does he want Spider-Man to meet him at the Queensboro Bridge at midnight? How does Alex even know Spider-Man?"

She asked so many questions, too many for Peter to care to keep up with. He had to get out of here and go look for his friends— "Wait." He suddenly turned to Kai. "What did you say?"

"I said how does Alex even know—"

"No, before that!"

"Why does he want Spider-Man to meet him at the Queensboro Bridge at midnight?" Kai asked.

"Shit." The police had already arrived on the scene and had begun taking statements from people. Peter also spotted Alexandra's fathers—both of them. "Dammit," He muttered. Before he could ask MJ and Kai to distract the police so he could slip away, there was already a policeman next to him, ready to ask questions.

Peter inwardly groaned and began to answer their questions. "Name?"

"Peter Parker."

"Did you get a good look at the attacker?"

"Yeah, he was the guy that robbed Community Bank a while back. The one with metal arms," Peter answered impatiently.

"And he took a girl, correct? Did you know her?"

"Her name is Alexandra Wallace, yes I know her, she's my best friend!" Peter replied.

The police officer paused and looked at Peter, setting his pen down a moment. "Do you have someplace better to be, Mr. Parker?" He asked.

Yeah, I could be out saving her and Ned instead of answering your stupid questions! It took all of Peter's strength not to say that. "No, sir."

So, he continued with his questions. For nearly thirty minutes. When he was finally released from questioning, he saw his aunt speaking with both Leo and Colin. They both seemed extremely distraught, just liked Peter was. He had to get out of here before they saw him, he had to go get Ned and Alexandra.

It was nearing eleven thirty—He had to get over to that bridge by midnight. He was sure his aunt had spotted him, so he decided it was time to go. Peter turned to head out when he felt someone grab his arm. It was MJ. "MJ, what—?"

"Go get them," She said quietly before turning around and going to join Kai. Peter watched her go—somewhat convinced that she knew his secret.

But that was the least of his concern right now. He turned and ran from the stands and out of the stadium, out onto the streets of New York City. Thank God he wore his suit under his clothes otherwise he would've had to go all the way home. Peter discarded his civilian clothes in an ally and pulled the mask on, becoming Spider-Man.

"Hello, Peter," Karen greeted. "I sense an increased heart rate, are you all right?"

"Nope! I need you to call Mr. Stark!" Peter replied, shooting a web and swinging to the top of a building. The phone rang for what felt like forever before Tony picked up.

"What's up, kid?" He asked.

"Hey, Mr. Stark!" Peter replied. "You in town right now?"

"Eh, no, actually. I'm in Malibu right now, why?"

Peter silently cursed. "Never mind! I've got it covered!" He heard Mr. Stark start to protest but Peter ended the call before his mentor could say anything else. "Karen, you there?"

"I am always here, Peter," She replied coolly.

"Sweet! I need you to calculate the quickest route to the Queensboro Bridge!" Peter exclaimed.

"Calculating quickest route to the Queensboro Bridge."

Peter checked his watch. 11:53. He had seven minutes. "Karen, can you get me there in seven minutes?" He asked.

"I can get you there in five, Peter."

He grinned as the AI activated the GPS system and began to lead him towards the bridge.

This was all his fault. If he had just kept a closer eye on both of them, none of this would be happening. Peter wished Mr. Stark were in town, why was this the one weekend he chose to travel to his beach home in California? No, he couldn't blame Mr. Stark for what had happened to his friends. That was all on him.

He just had to be sure to get them back. And he would. He wasn't going to lose anyone else. Not ever.

Not this time.


Ew this chapter is short >.< sorry. But the next one will definitely be longer.

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