twenty five

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After she was cleared by the paramedics to go home, and after she'd been drowned in hugs from Ned, MJ, Kai, and her parents, Alexandra and her dads finally went home. She was exhausted and desperately wanted to just lay down and sleep for the next twelve years. 

"I still don't understand how you and Ned got mixed up in all of this," Her Papa continued as they made their way up the stairs to their apartment. "I know you've both met Spider-Man a few times before but—" He shook his head. Colin unlocked the door to their apartment and let Leo guide her inside.

That's when the Parker's door opened, revealing May and Tony Stark. Colin's eyes widened when he saw the billionaire. "Oh, Colin!" May exclaimed when she saw him. "You're home, is everything okay now?" She asked.

Colin snapped out of it and looked at May. "Yeah, Alex is okay now, thank God. Ned's safe, too," He replied.

May nodded. "Thank God." She agreed. "Peter's been a nervous wreck all night." May nodded.

Colin couldn't take his eyes off of Tony Stark. "So—your guest?" He asked, turning to May.

"Oh, right! Colin, this is Tony Stark—though I'm sure you've seen him before—Mr. Stark, this is Colin Wallace, my neighbor." May introduced them. Tony stuck his hand out and Colin took it. "He's a lawyer."

"Nice to meet you." Tony nodded. "I'm glad your daughter is safe."

"Thank you..." Colin replied, trailing off a bit.

"Being a lawyer must keep you pretty busy," Tony commented. Colin was too shocked to reply. "I expect you'll be taking a bit of time off from work?"

Colin's eyes widened and he nodded. "Yes, I think so," He replied. "I should probably get inside."

Tony nodded. "I won't keep you any longer. Nice to meet you, Mr. Wallace," He said again.

Colin said he was also glad to have met him and with that, he went inside. He heard his husband's soft voice coming from Alexandra's room at the end of the hallway; it was clear that he was trying to comfort their daughter. Colin sighed, shaking Tony Stark from his mind and walking back into her bedroom.

Leo was sitting on Alexandra's bed, stroking her hair and telling her just to relax and try to get some sleep. "You're safe now, Allie," Leo told her. "Don't worry, your dad and I'll be right next door if you need us, okay?"


Leo kissed the top of her head before standing up and turning off her bedside lamp. He quietly left her room and shut the door softly before turning to Colin and sighing. "Jesus Christ, Colin... what are we going to do?" He asked.

"We'll figure it out," Colin replied. "Don't worry, Alex is going to be just fine."

"How can you be sure?"

Colin shook his head before pulling his husband into a tight hug. "I just am. She's strong, like you."

Leo stifled a laugh. "I think you mean like you."

Colin shook his head. "No, I said it right the first time." There was a pause and the two of them just stood there in each other's arms. "I'm gonna take off work for a little while," He said suddenly.

Leo looked up at him. "Your boss will let you?" He asked.

"I'll make sure he does," Colin assured his husband. Though Colin was quite sure that his boss wouldn't have any issue with him taking off for a little while.


The next morning, a Saturday, Alexandra woke up with a start. She shot up in bed and looked around, her breathing slowed and calmed when she realized she was in her bed at home. Part of her wanted to believe that her almost drowning had just been a nightmare, but she knew it hadn't been.

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