twenty two

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"Ned, Alex!" Peter yelled, all while trying to focus on fighting Doc Ock. He wanted nothing more than to shove Doc Ock off of his feet (tentacles?) and rush to his friends' aid. Ned and Alexandra were in trouble.

But he couldn't. Not right now. Besides, they seemed all right for the time being. Peter focused his attention on his fight with Doc Ock. Using his web shooters, Peter fired a web grenade at the former physicist. It exploded on his mechanical arms and tangled a few of them together.

Doc Ock yelled in frustration while Peter took the opportunity to kick his opponent square in the chest, causing him to stumble backwards. Doc Ock used one of his untangled arms to grab ahold of the wires and support himself. He straightened himself up and then began to busy himself with untangling the webs from his arms.

While he was distracted, Peter rushed over to his friends. Alexandra was leaning over the side of the bridge and trying to reach down and grab the web Ned was dangling from. "Careful!" Peter exclaimed as he rushed to her side.

"Peter!" She turned to him.

"Say my name a bit louder, I don't think Doc Ock heard you!" He said. Alex winced in response. Peter leaned over and glanced down at his dangling friend, who—considering the circumstances—seemed relatively okay.

"Spider-Man!" Ned called up to him. "Mind giving me a hand?!"

Peter was about to reach down and grab the web when he heard Alexandra yell, "Look out!"

On instinct, Peter dove out of the way just as one of Doc Ock's mechanical arms came crashing down against the metal. "Stay put!" Peter ordered his friends as he tried to lead Doc Ock to the other side of the ledge.

"Really funny, Spidey!" Ned snapped.

Peter didn't have time to respond, he fired another web at Doc Ock. "Karen!" Peter exclaimed.

"Yes, Peter?" The AI answered.

"I need a web combination that can slow this guy down!" He ordered.

"I have just the thing."

When Karen gave him the signal, Peter held his wrists up. "Aim for his arms, Peter," Karen instructed. So, Peter did. He fired the webs at Doc Ock's arms and they stuck against the metal. Nothing seemed to happen.

"Uh... Karen?" He asked.

"Wait for it..."

Suddenly, the webs seemed to send an electric shock throughout the machinery. Doc Ock let out a frustrated cry and quickly began to work on his arms.

"Spidey!" Peter heard Ned yell. He spun around and ran back to his friends' sides. Alexandra was clearly worried for Ned's safety. "I hate to rush you, but—you know—HELP!" Ned yelled.

"Don't worry, Ned!" Peter replied. "I've got an idea!"

"Does it involve pulling me up to safely?!" Ned exclaimed.

"Nope, see that button on the web shooter?" Peter asked him. "The blue one?"

"Uh—y-yeah! Yeah, I see it!"

"Press it, it'll extend the web and lower you safely down to the ground," Peter told him.

Ned looked at his friend and nodded. He hit the button and, as promised, Ned began to lower down towards the bridge. Now Peter just needed to get Alexandra down.

Unfortunately, Doc Ock had managed to recover from Peter's electric shock web attack and his mechanical arms were functioning once again. "Spider-Man!" Doc Ock snarled, his voice venomous. "You've foiled my plans for the last time!"

Hanging by a Thread 🕷 Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now