twenty eight

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Peter and Alexandra had agreed to go out on their first date that following weekend. Even though Alexandra had been the one to ask him out, Peter thought it would be a good idea for him to plan the date—besides, he had been thinking about where he would take her for a while now.

There wasn't really a need to get too dressed up, nowhere they were going required any sort of black tie attire, but Peter still decided that he would wear what he considered to be 'dressed up.' I guess that would be called semi-formal, right? He asked himself.

While Peter was digging through his closet the following Friday, he found one of his favorite blue sweaters and a plaid button up shirt. Peter smiled a bit, he remembered wearing the same sweater to school a time or two the previous year and Alexandra had complimented him, saying that he reminded her of his uncle Ben when he dressed like that.

Yes, this is definitely what he would wear. Ben was cool. 

Now, for his date ideas. Maybe he should ask Mr. Stark to get his opinion on where he should take Alexandra—Peter shook his head, discarding the idea. He had bothered Mr. Stark enough these past few weeks, he figured he could give the man a break from his regular life. Besides, Mr. Stark really only wanted to know about his Spidey activities, it wasn't like he cared about Peter's personal life.

Peter decided he would ask May for advice instead. She would probably know about what girls liked doing better than Tony would, anyway. He left his bedroom and slid into the kitchen, much like he had the week before homecoming after he'd gotten a date with Liz Allen. "May!" Peter exclaimed excitedly.

His aunt looked up suddenly, raising an eyebrow as she placed the milk in the fridge and closed the door. Her curiosity had obviously been peaked. "What is it, Pete?" She asked.

"I have a date tonight, only I'm not really sure where or what to do—I mean, I've thought about a few things, but I'm not sure if she would like them or not, so I really don't know what to do or where to go and—"

May held up her hands in a 'time out' gesture. "Whoa, slow down, buddy," She said. "First of all, you have a date? Yay! With who?" She looked at him expectantly.

Peter suddenly felt his cheeks burning up. He hadn't thought about how May would react to finding out that he was going on a date with his best friend. Come to think of it, Peter hadn't thought about what Alexandra's parents would think, either. "Well, uh, actually, it's with Alex—"  He found himself grinning softly to himself.

He had a date with Alexandra and it made him grin like an idiot. Because it was her.

May's eyes widened, and Peter braced himself, but she threw her arms up and smiled. "Well, finally!" She said. "I was wondering just how long you two were going to flirt back and forth with each other—"

It was Peter's turn to hold up a 'time out' gesture.

"What do you mean flirting back and forth?!" He asked.

May raised an eyebrow and laughed a bit. "Well come on, Peter, it doesn't take a genius to see the way you two talk to each other. It was bound to happen eventually. Granted, I thought it would be at homecoming, but better late than never. Leo thought you two would be going to homecoming together, actually, but obviously that panned out a bit differently—"

Peter mentally face palmed.

"Anyway, you're going on the date when?"

"Tonight at 6."

"And you're just now thinking about where to take her?" May exclaimed.

Peter blushed and glanced down. "Well I had some ideas! She suggested a movie—but I thought we should do something more—uh—less cliche? But I'm not sure if she'd like them, or if maybe she'd think it was boring, so I was hoping to get your opinion," He admitted.

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