Special Chapter- HBD! [SPG]

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Birthday na naman ng ating Myles Lee :DDD 




When we reached the Hotel where we will do our Honeymoon >:DD

"Daddy, I want to sleep with mommy"- said the little boy--Noel


"And oh, I want to sleep with Mommy until we go back to our home in Korea, okay Daddy? just sleep in my room---what I mean is ..we will exchange for the better, Okay Daddy? it's a Man-to-Man talk, Don't cheat, I'm watching you daddy, I'm watching you"- and he glared at me

*ultimate facepalm*

"No baby, you will sleep to your room because I want to be with mommy okay? And you're still young"- I pat his head

"But Daddy--"

"No buts~ you will sleep in your room and don't disturb our honeymoon, okay Noel?"- I said

"Honeymoon? what's that Daddy?"- The innocent boy asked

"Well the honeymoon---AWW!, What's that for ,Wifey?"- I asked, she just punched my right nipple dude

"Don't tell him, You're so idiot Luhan"- She glared at me

Nowadays--I will be quiet, Promise .__.v

"Daddy can I have a baby brother?"- He asked me when we reached our Honeymoon Suit

I looked at him and smile



"MOMMMY!!! DADDY IS SMILING---SO CREEPY--SO PERVERT--HE WILL RAPE YOU MOMMY"- He cried while running to his mother

"Boys--can you please stop disturbing the only beautiful woman here? you should help me to arrange our things--we'll stay here for 1 week okay?"- She said

"Okay"- I and Noel


Time Check: 9: 24

And Noel is sleeping to his room >:DD

I opened up the beer and checked some messages to my phone----The members--they;re congratulating me--Well today is the wedding of Xiumin and Ally but we're not there because we're in our Honeymoon :P

I try to do some experiment--mixing vodka drinks

My wife grabbed a dress and went into the bathroom. But she forgot to lock the door that's why the the door is open ----slightly--but enough to have a perfect of view of her..

I shooked my head mentally--gahd is she trying to seduce me? or I am the only who's exagerated about it--nah-- But I like the way she----

"No"- I shooked my head again

A few minutes passed--and she's there--in my front--smiling--with her bath robe

I grabbed her hand and kissed her softly

Im on the top of her--

I passed my hands gently over her spines. We kissed each other's shoulders. I passed my hands round her navels and my hands went some above. The mood was all set just when I realized that she was a little bit uncomfortable. I stopped, kissed her forehead and said softly in her ears,

"I'll be gentle baby, I promised"- I said

She smiled and kissed my lips again

"MOMMY!"- we both shocked and try to have a normal position

"Mom? Dad? what are you doing while I'm sleeping?"- He innocently asked

"W-we're just..."- She said

"We're making a little sister or brother for you baby"- I smiled to him

"Really?! Can I watch?? please??"-

My eyes turned into a wide and big eyes

"B-but baby, It's not for young audience, parental guidance is advice :v"- She said and I burst with laugh

"Just kiddin' go to your room and sleep baby"- She said

"B-But I want a movie marathon"- Noel said


"We're not going to film a movie baby"- I said

"What I mean is--I want a live action while you're making my baby brother mom and dad >:D"- He smiled, so creepy

"NOEL!"- She said

"Okay mommy, I'll just wear a ninja suit so that you'll never notice me"- He said

Gahd. This kid! He really show how I'm innocent before and how Myles shows her pervert attitude to me

Lol just kidding (¬‿ ¬)v

"Go to your room now Noel"- She's serious

Oh oh~ she really wants to continue what we're doing lately >:DD

"Okay mommy"- You can see how Noel is sad in the multimedia section

When he leaved---I smiled to her

"Let's continue what we're doing honey"- I said 

I kissed her neck down to her breasts--slowly

I put my two hands on the top of her breasts and massaged them very softly and slowly while kissing her neck up to her lips

She put her hands on my back----I can feel her nails piercing to my back--Gahd it hurts

"I'll enter you honey"-I whispered and she just nodded

I moved up and down

until we both reached the climax

 "Happy birthday Wifey"- i whispered to her ears

Noel's POV

 *from a slightly open door of Myles and Luhan's room*

Omg, thanks to my brand new camera--I filmed every awesome moves from my daddy and mommy >:DDD

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