chapter six

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Raven and Bellamy ran out of the room, straight towards Clarke's voice in the control panel of the ring.

"How do you use this thing?" Bellamy yelled, eager to speak to the girl he had throught was dead for the last six years.

Raven rushed over to the radio panel and pressed a red button, whilst sliding up some switches to correct the frequency.

"You guys thought that you would have to wait five years to come down, it's been four and according to my calculations and studying it's safe for you to come down sooner than we thought." Clarke's soft voice spoke through the radio.

"That's if you're even still alive and hearing this." She sighed.

"Why do I still do this everyday?" She cried.

Raven passed Bellamy the radio, "Clarke, I'm alive." He panted.

"Me and Madi have been working in Becca's lab, we do extensive research between training. We've been testing samples of the air, the soil and the water and they are nearly completely free of radiation. It would would still make you guy's slightly ill if you came down, but it will be completely safe down here in a month!"

Bellamy and Raven's eyes locked, shock appearing on both of their faces.

"A month." Raven said, a smile forming on her face.

She had dreamed about being back on Earth since they first arrived on the ring. The sweet air filling her lungs and the feeling of water around her, as she submerged her body in a lake for a swim.

She played with the radio frequency more, "Clarke." Bellamy said, hoping she could hear him.

There was a silence on the radio for a moment, "B...Bellamy?" Clarke's voice broke.

"Yes Clarke, I can hear you. I can hear your voice." He cried down the radio, as he heard Clarke begin to sob .

Raven smiled to herself and left the room to give them some privacy. She walked back down the dark corridors to the main room.

She stood in the doorway, watching as everyone sat there in shock.

Murphy was the first one to see her there, he rose from his seat to walk over to her.

"What's going on?" He whispered.

Raven latched her eyes with his, "Bellamy's in the control panel room talking to Clarke, she said it will be safe for us to come down in a month." She whisoered to him.

Murphy nodded his head as he listened, "You should probably talk to Monty about that." He whispered.

She nodded her head, and then stopping to looked at Murphy's face, her eyes scanning across his face and her lips pursing ready to speak.

But she was interrupted, "What's going on?" Harper asked, standing up.

"Nothing, it uh, it was just a false alarm. We couldn't connect to Clarke." She said walking out of the door, back to her room.

She slammed the door and slumped down onto her couch. She sighed and cradled her face in her hands.

Murphy walked through the door shortly after, closing the door with his foot and then leaning against it.

"Why did you lie to them?"

She took her face out of her hands and looked up at him, her face stained with tears.

Murphy's face softend when he saw that she was crying, he moved his body closer to the couch and sat beside her. She threw herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face into his shoulder.

The only thing that could be heard in the room were her soft cries.

She slowly pulled away, wiping the tears away from her face and sniffling.

Murphy placed his hand on her cheek wiping away the remaining tears coating them. She pressed her face against his hand, taking it and kissing it.

"What if I can't get us back down? It was hard enough getting us up here in the first place." She whispered.

"Raven. I've seen you do things that are practically impossible. You've saved our asses so many times. You can do this."

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