first kiss // reddie

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I jumped as I heard a knock on my bedroom door. My mom never knocks, and she wouldn't be speaking to me at the moment anyways. I don't make a sound as I reach for my inhaler, as my thoughts start swirling and trying to figure out who it could be. Ever since we defeated 'It', everything reminds me of him, though I won't admit it. You'd think I wouldn't be afraid anymore, but it's almost impossible to go a full day without thinking it's still alive. It knows I'm still afraid, and it lives off of that-

"Damnit Kaspbrak, I know you're in there."

My breath hitches before I realize it's just Richie. I jump to my feet to open the door, but he's already letting himself in.

"Where have you been?" he asks, before I can even open my mouth to greet him.

I hesitate before speaking.

"My mom thinks I'm sick again", I say, mentally cursing at myself because that could lead to questions that I'd rather not answer.

"With what? You look fine to me." he states, not missing a beat.

"She just doesn't think I should be around you at the moment.." I say, trailing off.

"What the fuck? Why?"

"She thinks one of you, uh, made me sick." She thinks it's a sickness, a horrible disease, just as everyone else in Derry.

"She's the one who gave you crabs if that's what you mean." He said, laughing.

"That's not even funny, Richie." I mumble, rolling my eyes.

"Seriously though, with what?"

I hesitate. I can lie, but we all know that won't work. I look up, taking in all of his features. Those fucking coke bottle glasses.

He looks at me, waiting for me to speak.

I sigh.

"Well, she read my diary and-"

"Jeez, who are you? A fucking diary, Eddie?"

"Hey, it helps me get things out. My mom thinks it's good for me."

"Just keep talking, Edna."

He really thinks he's funny. I roll my eyes at yet another 'hilarious' joke.

"I just.. she knows I'm gay."

My eyes get wide when I realize the words that came out of my mouth. That was the first time I've ever said that. His gaze meets mine.

"I'm sorry, you probably hate me and everyone else will and I'm just gonna be stuck inside my house forever because my mom thinks I'm sick and-"

"Eddie, you know that's not true."

But I don't stop. I know it's true.

"And I'll be the biggest joke in Derry and-"

"Shut the fuck up, Eddie."

"And you'll really never feel the same and-"

I finally stop speaking as soon as I realize what I just said. If he really didn't hate me before, he's going to-

My brain stops as I feel his lips meet mine. My eyes go wide before fluttering shut.

As we pull apart, I quickly take a puff of my inhaler before meeting his gaze again.

"You and that fucking inhaler."

My face lights up.

"You and those fucking glasses", I say, ruffling his hair.



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