Always // Reddie

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part 1

We've all noticed Richie changing, but it worried me a lot more than I showed the others. We had all decided to pitch in and hang out with him one-on-one to help however we could. He hasn't been hanging out with the group lately, isolating himself and not speaking to us much. He hasn't been showing up to school either, and I know he's having issues with his parents, but I just want him to know how much I really do care. I will literally do anything to see his adorable smile, hell, I even wanted to hear his voice, even if it was one of his shitty but adorable jokes. I haven't seen him in days, and I won't be seeing him until Friday, as that's the night I've planned to be with him. We've all planned when and what we're doing with him, and mine just so happened to be last. We've all tried to help, but he's just denied it. This week is going to be hell to get through without seeing him.

Sunday, October 25th, 1992
Tonight was my night with Richie. I basically had to drag him out of his house just to get him to come with me.

We started out at the library, and he followed reluctantly.

"Why the hell are we at the library?" he mumbled.

"Just follow me, it's actually pretty interesting." I spoke up.

He sighed as we walked through the library doors. I walked over to the shelves, wishing Stan was here, as he had memorized the dewy decimal system that I would never be able to comprehend.

After searching for a few minutes with an impatient Richie behind me, I finally found what I was looking for. I heard him mumble something as he followed me to the table, but I wasn't sure of what.

I opened to book to a random page as he sat in front of me, beginning to read the first joke I saw.

"What kind of bagel can fly?" I read aloud.

"I don't know, what kind Ben?" he said, seeming very annoyed.

"A plain bagel", I said, giggling.

I didn't receive a reaction, just a stare, so I flipped through the pages to try to find a better joke.

"Why can't you hear a pterodactyl using the bathroom?"

"Oh my god."

"Because the 'p' is silent." I said, starting to laughed but stopping as I realized I wasn't going to get a reaction.

"I can do better than that." He sighed.

I began flipping through the pages again and found a 'dirty' section. I was sure this would work.

"What do you call someone who refuses to fart in public?"

I looked up as he rolled his eyes and I knew I was going to have to give up.

"A private tutor." I said, stopping myself from chuckling.

Yet again, I received no response. So much for the dirty section.

I stood up, leaving the book on the table, waiting for him to follow. We drove silently to my house, as I was too afraid to break the silence.

"What are we doing now? What could be better than the fucking joke book?" He said, annoyed.

"We're gonna bake halloween cookies and watch a movie." I said, smiling.

"As much as I love scary movies and cookies, I think that'd be a lot funner at my house, alone."

I looked down, not really knowing what to say.

"It's a lot more fun." I said, quietly.

"Speak up, Ben." He spit out, harshly.

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